Thursday, August 27, 2020
Sustainable Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Maintainable Project Management - Essay Example ng the social, natural, and affordable interests in venture the board life cycle to accomplish a tolerable, feasible and impartial condition (Kohler and, 2012). At the end of the day, it bonds the individuals, planet, and benefits acknowledged in a development venture. This paper talks about reasonable venture the executives under four ideas; venture quality, financial examinations (dangers and advantages), development squander the board, and fabricate activity and support. Rose (2005) characterizes quality as the all out attributes of an item that fulfills the inferred needs. A development venture has a foreseen venture expectations. Thusly, venture quality administration is a procedure that guarantees that the conveyed venture meets the incentive for cash to the customer. The subtleties of the extent of works and agreement particular record decide the normal and the degree of value. Task quality administration ought to be perfect with ISO 9000 and ISO 1000 quality measures just as the rules. Venture quality additionally centers around the board of the undertaking and the conveyed. Undertaking examination is an estimating procedure instead of a definition one. In spite of this, there is no figure without issues (dangers). Vulnerabilities in specific situations can be changed to dangers. Along these lines the dangers are exposed to exact estimation, broke down and oversaw. Hazard evaluation is an investigation of existing probabilities that the task will accomplish a palatable execution. Coming up next are the suggested ventures for evaluating venture dangers; Money saving advantage investigation is the ordinarily utilized examination strategy for assessing development ventures. It is required by the customer to find out the incentive for cash for the conveyed venture. A continued undertaking is consequently that which he benefits exceed costs. Money saving advantage investigation is a procedure that decides the upsides and downsides on the undertaking life cycle. It is worried about the advantages from quality administration versus the expenses of value the executives
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Anti C1q Antibodies and Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells
Against C1q Antibodies and Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells The supplement framework is one of the significant effector components of the natural resistant framework and it assumes a significant job in insusceptible protection. The organic elements of supplement are opsonization and phagocytosis, incitement of fiery responses by anaphylatoxins and supplement intervened cytolysis of microorganisms, particularly embodied microscopic organisms. The supplement framework is shaped by an enzymatic course made out of plasma proteins that, when invigorated, can accomplish gigantic enhancement and adequately battle the attacking microorganisms (Abbas et al., 2009). Under specific conditions, an obsessive safe response may create against supplement segments, which on one hand mirrors a fundamental immune system process and may prompt aggravation and tissue injury on the other (Potlukova and Kralikova, 2008). The primary segment of the traditional pathway of supplement actuation, C1q, assumes a significant job in the freedom of insusceptible buildings and apoptotic bodies from the creature. Autoantibodies against C1q (hostile to C1q) have been found in various immune system and irresistible illnesses. They have been best portrayed in patients with foundational lupus erythematosus, where they are thought to assume a pathogenic job in lupus nephritis (LN). Their high negative prescient incentive for the event of dynamic proliferative LN, just as their conceivable capacity to demonstrate a renal flare when a half year ahead of time, have rendered hostile to C1q antibodies a novel non-obtrusive apparatus in the identification of dynamic LN (Potlukova and Kralikova, 2008). The Complement C1q and Its Antibodies C1q is the principal segment of the old style pathway of supplement initiation. Along with the enzymatically dynamic parts C1r and C1s, C1q structures the C1 complex. Official of C1 to immunoglobulins as safe buildings prompts actuation of protease capacity of C1r and C1s and further initiation of the old style pathway of supplement (Schumaker et al., 1986). C1q is a glycoprotein having a place with the collectin family with an atomic load of around 410-462 kDa. It is a hexamer made out of globular heads joined to collagen-like triple-helix tails (Fig. 8). The globular heads of C1q explicitly tie to the steady overwhelming (CH2) space of IgG particles or the CH3 area of IgM. Every overwhelming chain of the immunoglobulin particle contains just one restricting site for C1q. Since C1q must tie to at any rate two overwhelming chains so as to change its compliance and enact C1r and C1s, its actuation results simply subsequent to authoritative to immunoglobulins as safe edifices bound to multivalent antigens (Schumaker et al., 1986). Most supplement proteins are blended in the liver by hepatocytes. Nonetheless, macrophages can combine early supplement parts of both the old style and elective pathways and can give adequate nearby tissue supplement to opsonization without selecting plasma supplement (Colten et al., 1986). C1q is unordinary, for a supplement protein, that it is blended by tissue macrophages however not hepatocytes (Loos et al., 1989). Notwithstanding being the principal part of the old style pathway of supplement actuation, C1q has numerous physiological jobs. C1q can legitimately opsonize apoptotic cells (AC) for phagocytosis. In vitro, C1q ties to surface blebs on AC however not ordinary host cells (Korb and Ahearn, 1997). C1q ties to calreticulin (CRT) in AC blebs and opsonizes AC for improved phagocytosis through C1q association with CD91. C1q can opsonize AC likewise in a roundabout way through supplement initiation (Lu et al., 2008). Reliable with this, the finding that C1q-lacking mice have been appeared to have an aggregation of apoptotic bodies in the kidneys (Botto et al., 1998); and macrophages of C1q-insufficient mice and people have a diminished capacity to clear apoptotic bodies in vitro (Botto, 1998; Taylor et al., 2000). Along these lines, C1q advances the leeway of autoantigens, forestalling incitement of the invulnerable framework and disturbance of this procedure may prompt improvement of autoimmunity (Botto, 2001). C1q-opsonized AC likewise controls DC creation of cytokines, yet information from various investigations are not so much steady (Lu et al., 2008). Clearly, most examinations report C1q restraint of IL-12 creation from DCs and that AC invigorated macrophages produce more IL-10 and less IL-12. This proposes a tolerogenic property of C1q which is steady to the advancement of autoimmunity at C1q lack (Botto et al., 1998). C1q has additionally various jobs in guideline of numerous macrophage exercises, in DC separation, initiation and antigen introduction and in granulocytes, pole cells and fibroblasts guideline (Lu et al., 2008). There are a few autoantibodies to supplement proteins that meddle with the physiological guideline of supplement enactment in vivo, and each of these has been related with the improvement of SLE. These antibodies are C3 nephritic factor, against C1 inhibitor autoantibodies, and hostile to C1q antibodies. In every one of these cases, there is a chicken and egg contest, since it could be contended that improvement of the anticomplement autoantibody is itself part of the SLE procedure. Nonetheless, on account of C3 nephritic factor, which balances out the C3bBbC3 convertase protein of the elective pathway, 8 instances of SLE have been depicted )Sheeran et al., 1995; Walport et al., 1994). In each of these, the beginning of SLE happened numerous years after the improvement of the primary clinical phenotypes related with the nearness of C3 nephritic factor, supporting that the C3 nephritic factor was the egg as opposed to the chicken. History and the study of disease transmission of hostile to C1q antibodies: Authoritative of monomeric IgG to C1q was first depicted in 1971, in sera from patients with SLE with hypocomplementemia (Agnello et al., 1971), and in 1978, precipitation of C1q by monomeric IgG was archived in the hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis disorder (HUVS) (Marder et al., 1978). In 1984, hostile to C1q antibodies were found in patients with SLE (Uwatoko et al., 1984). From that point forward, event of hostile to C1q antibodies has been portrayed with fluctuating commonness in patients with immune system and furthermore some irresistible sicknesses (Wisnieski and Jones, 1992). Against C1q antibodies were for the most part of the IgG subtype with IgG1 and IgG2 being the dominating subclasses (Siegert et al., 1990). The pervasiveness of against C1q in everybody changes somewhere in the range of 2% and 8% (Potlukova et al., 2008). Similar to the case with different autoantibodies, the event of hostile to C1q increments with age (Ravelli et al., 1997; Siegert et al., 1993). The unimportant energy for against C1q antibodies in an in any case sound individual doesn't seem to hold up under any obsessive or prognostic noteworthiness (Potlukova and Kralikova, 2008). Pathogenic job of hostile to C1q antibodies: Hostile to C1q antibodies have high negative prescient incentive for dynamic lupus nephritis (LN) recommending a pathogenic job in SLE patients. Likewise, the disposal of hostile to C1q antibodies from course by rehashed plasmapheresis or C1q immunoabsorption brought mitigation of the patients indications (Berner et al., 2001; Grimbert, et al., 2001). The official of hostile to C1q antibodies to C1q is interceded by means of Fab parts and rather than insusceptible buildings, against C1q antibodies don't tie to globular leaders of the C1q particle however to its collagen-like tail (Fig. 8). The coupling is feeble in the fluid stage, however accomplishes high proclivity on account of a conformationally changed C1q in the bound state uncovering new antigenic determinants. Consequently, any conceivable pathogenic job of against C1q antibodies presumably stays kept to nearby stores of C1q in tissues (Potlukova and Kralikova, 2008). Another charming instrument of the pathogenicity of against C1q antibodies may be a change from non-provocative acknowledgment of apoptotic bodies by C1q and its receptors to incendiary acknowledgment when C5a and other supplement actuation parts are produced during upgraded supplement enactment because of hostile to C1q antibodies at destinations where C1q is perceiving atomic antigens (Holers, 2004). Fig. 8: A disentangled plan of the official of against C1q antibodies to the atom of C1q. Hostile to C1q antibodies in essence don't appear to enact supplement; be that as it may, their authoritative to C1q may enhance supplement actuation by expanding the measure of the bound IgG in an endless loop way. Besides, they may weaken the physiological elements of C1q, including the ability to initiate the old style pathway of supplement and to clear safe edifices and apoptotic bodies. Taken together, a few unique components appear to be associated with the pathogenicity of against C1q antibodies (Potlukova and Kralikova, 2008). The nearness of hostile to C1q antibodies in lupus is commonly joined by various clinical and serological highlights. The supplement profile is like that seen in HUVS, with exceptionally low degrees of C1q, C4, and C2, and, to a lesser degree, C3. Against C1q antibodies will in general stay positive in SLE for delayed periods, and there is related drawn out hypocomplementemia. This varies from hostile to twofold abandoned DNA counter acting agent levels, which will in general vacillate in focus, along with converse changes in supplement levels (Pickering et al., 2000). Ã Ã Hostile to C1q antibodies in irresistible maladies Hostile to C1q antibodies have additionally been found in some irresistible infections Prohaszka et al. (1999) have discovered an expanded event of against C1q antibodies in patients tainted with human immunodeficiency infection: 13% of contaminated patients were sure when contrasted and 5% controls. Moreover, the degrees of hostile to C1q antibodies essentially diminished during a subsequent time of 65 months. Curiously, sera with perceivable enemy of C1q antibodies were bound to kill HIV than sera without them in-vitro analyzes. Saadoun et al. (2006) have announced an expanded commonness
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write an Essay That Is Similar to How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay
How to Write an Essay That Is Similar to How to Write a Compare and Contrast EssayIf you're still struggling with how to write an essay or report, you may be asking yourself how to write an essay compare and contrast. This type of essay is one of the hardest types of essays to write. That's because it asks so many different types of questions. You have to know your topic in order to make a well-written essay.One of the most important things to remember when writing a compare and contrast essay is that you need to follow all of the rules. For example, you have to state the facts and then answer the question. Don't go into a lot of detail without answering the question. Write the facts in a way that readers can understand them.Another thing to remember is that there are two different styles of writing. That means you need to know how to write an essay using the different styles. Also, you want to write an essay that gets people talking about the topic. An essay doesn't necessarily have to be a scientific argument.Essays can be very long if they are too technical. If you want to write an essay compare and contrast, you need to take the time to do a lot of research. A lot of people spend too much time writing to their topic when they could have been doing something else. Most people who don't know how to write an essay compare and contrast can end up with a poorly written essay.To be sure that you are writing a proper essay, you want to have a style guide. It's good to have a set of rules that you follow to ensure that you are writing an essay and not a report. When you do this, it is much easier to find a balance between what you need to do and what you want to do.Some people like to write many different essays on many different topics. This can be a lot of fun, but if you don't know how to write an essay, it can also be confusing and stressful. A good way to avoid this is to have a style guide that you can use on the side to write your own essay.Another good way to remember how to write an essay that is compare and contrast is to read a lot of essays. A lot of writing teachers will read a bunch of different essay or report formats and then tell you what types of essays they would like you to write. By reading a lot of different styles, you will be able to write an essay that is similar to those you see in class.There are many ways to learn how to write an essay compare and contrast. You can use online tools, books, or classes to help you out. By following these tips, you will be able to easily write a proper essay that gets the point across.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Crickets and Their Reaction to Different Stimuli, Light,...
CRICKETS AND THEIR REACTION TO DIFFERENT STIMULI, LIGHT, SOUND, AND TOUCH Introduction According to Dorothea Kohstall-Schnell and Heribert Gras, Nicklaus, R found in his study most insects have fine hairs and/ or other structures for detecting movement such as wind and sound. (Activity of Giant Interneurones and other Wind-Sensitive Elements of the Terminal Ganglion in the Walking Cricket. Kohstall-Schnell, D. Gras, H. 1994).The cricket is equipped with these hair sensory structures. According to Dorothea Kohstall-Schnell and Heribert Gras, Palka, J. and Olberg, R found these structures trigger sensory cells and the message then passes through neurons to reach the terminal ganglion. (Activity of Giant Interneurones and otherâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦There will also be a control group, a set of crickets in the same environment with the same stimuli, just not on ice. Once the cricketââ¬â¢s soil has reached 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit, measured with a thermometer, the first stimuli, light, is brought in. Light will be flashed on/ off with strobe light on high of the phone flashlight for 45 sec. Then record how many times the crickets jump, and rate their movement on a scale of 1-5. This rating is done collaboratively and decided upon as a group. The crickets will then sit for 2 more minutes without a stimulus. Once the two minutes is up the first and second stimuli will be used. The flash light and a noise (alarm sound on phone on high), these two stimuli will be present for 45seconds. Then record how many times the crickets jump as a whole, and rate their movement on a scale of 1-5.The crickets will then again sit for 2 minutes without stimuli. Lastly bring in all 3 stimuli. Throughout the 45 seconds the crickets will be presented with flashing light, sound, and motion (wind from a fan turned on its highest notch). Then record how many times the crickets jump as a whole, and rate their movements on a scale of 1-5.This experiment is also done to a group that was not on ice. These crickets were kept at a room temperature of 71.6 degrees Fahrenh eit; measuring this with a thermometer; after going through this procedure with the iced and non-iced group of crickets 3 times. The iced and non-icedShow MoreRelatedIntroduction to Motivation16686 Words à |à 67 Pagesable to put her legs on ground and she would no more be able to walk and run like normal person. Her dream to be fastest lady on earth seemed to be fading away and then a magic turned everything upside-down. Sachin Tendulkar was once told to quit cricket,but today we hardly know about this story simply because Tendulkar is itself the name of success . We all know about Thomas Alva Edison as a great scientist but we hardly know about his story of failures. 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We believe our commercial success depends upon offering quality and value to our consumers and customers; providing products that are safe, wholesome, economically efficient and environmentally sound; and providing a fair return to our investors while adhering to the highest standards of integrity.â⬠| | | | | Selected Answer: | à a.à mission statement | Correct Answer: | à a.à mission statement | Feedback: | A mission statement answersRead MoreSales and Marketing for Financial Institutions80443 Words à |à 322 Pagescompleting this subject students should be able to: describe the marketing and sales functions in a financial institution design a marketing plan and sales plan for a financial institution assess different buyer behaviour models and how these relate to the various market segmentation approaches assess the different promotional and communication activities used by financial institutions to acquire customers and manage customer relationships evaluate product or service distribution channels for the purposesRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesLoyalty Is an Outdated Concept 87 Questions for Review 88 Experiential Exercise What Factors Are Most Important to Your Job Satisfaction? 89 Ethical Dilemma Bounty Hunters 89 Case Incident 1 Long Hours, Hundreds of E-Mails, and No Sleep: Does This Sound Like a Satisfying Job? 90 Case Incident 2 Crafting a Better Job 91 4 Emotions and Moods 97 What Are Emotions and Moods? 98 The Basic Emotions 100 â⬠¢ The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect 100 â⬠¢ The Function of Emotions 102 â⬠¢ SourcesRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words à |à 1422 Pagesconsidered a typical value for a variable, this is only one characteristic of a data set. Without additional information about variability and distribution shape, we donââ¬â¢t really know much about the behavior of the variable. 2. Data distributions with different shapes can have the same mean and standard deviation. For example, consider the following two histograms: ââ" ² .....................................................................................................................................
Friday, May 15, 2020
Macroeconomics Of A Stable And Sustainable Economic...
The role of macroeconomics in national economies is the creation of a stable and sustainable economic environment. The government is able to play this rule by using monetary policy interventions. The monetary policy makers often act independently to correct instability in the economy or to ensure that stability continues. The 2008 recession led to an intense debate over the ability of monetary policy to stimulate the economy when the interest rates are already below zero. A majority of the people who engage in discourse on the matter seem to believe that its ability is greatly undermined in such a scenario. However, an evaluation of the response by the Federal Reserve of the United States of America and other governments demonstrates that it can indeed help to revive the economy. Furthermore, the other alternative to monetary policy intervention is fiscal policy that has many political and other issues to consider. As a result, the former is the most effective and easiest response to a weak economy. In order to appreciate the full effect of monetary policy measures in a weak economy characterized by low interest rates, the evaluation of both theoretical and empirical evidence is required. In addition, it is essential to understand the factors that motivate bankers and other financial institutions to invest at a particular time. Literature Review According to Bernanke and Blinder (1992, p. 903), the monetary policy affects the credit channel that significant affects theShow MoreRelatedNotes On Macroeconomic Policy And Monetary Policy974 Words à |à 4 PagesReorienting macroeconomic policy Feb 12th 2010, 16:33 by S.D. | WASHINGTON This article is written from a positive standpoint it also discusses Blanchard and Co.s list of the oversights and mistakes of Great Moderation macroeconomics and macro policy. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Linear Regression Project Is The Amount Of Time...
The Linear Regression Project By Samantha LeStourgeon Fall 2016: Term Project ââ¬â STA2023 Professor Santra What is the relationship between the amounts of time spent playing video games and your amount of sleep? Introduction Nearly every day, you can read articles about urbanized countries throughout the world, with issues or concerns arising from individuals playing video games for excessive amounts of time. Individuals form addictions to a surge in excessive or violent behaviors, commonly found among teens or younger children. Studies also indicate playing excessive amounts of video games can also have an effect on your sleeping patterns in a negative way. For instance, playing an extreme amount of video games prior to going to bed may create a more difficult time in falling asleep. So, I decided to take on a similar yet different type of study to discover out how much video gaming an average high schooler plays each night and how this may affect how many hours of sleep he/she receives. I was unable to find any online articles for this type of study, so I decided to find out for myself using the high school population at a local school. As the study began, I did believe that students who particip ated in excessive video gaming may receive less sleep. Statement of Task The focus of this study was to investigate if the amount of time students spend playing video games each evening may have an influence on the quantity of sleep the average high-school studentShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words à |à 1422 PagesOlsen, Jay Devore Acquisitions Editor: Carolyn Crockett Development Editor: Danielle Derbenti Assistant Editor: Beth Gershman Editorial Assistant: Ashley Summers Technology Project Manager: Colin Blake Marketing Manager: Joe Rogove Marketing Assistant: Jennifer Liang Marketing Communications Manager: Jessica Perry Project Manager, Editorial Production: Jennifer Risden Creative Director: Rob Hugel Art Director: Vernon Boes Print Buyer: Karen Hunt Permissions Editor: Isabel Alves Production Service:Read MoreInstructor Manual37126 Words à |à 149 Pagesto all of my colleagues who have contributed to this manual. Very few of the ideas contained in here are totally original. 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His co-authored books, Management Accounting: Evolution not Revolution (CIMA, 1989) and Management Accounting: Pathways to Progress (CIMA, 1994), were published during a time of dramatic change in UK management accounting practice. These textbooks contributed to the UK management accounting transformation from the costing clerk credo to strategic management proper. In 1999, he was voted the British Accounting Association
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strength of Public Speaking free essay sample
They say that for expertise or success in public speaking you must possess these three elements 1 Content D Message packed with practical, easy to remember and useful Information, 2. ) Confidence Knowing that what you share will be valuable and useful, and that you are the one to share it, and 3. ) Connection You must be able to draw the audience into the message. Thats what brings the laughter, the tears, and the standing ovations. Having said all this where, when, why, and how do these elements that one possesses become an art form in public speaking? Public speaking s a common source of stress for everyone.Many people are always confronted with these questions before preparing a speech topic: Is It really possible to speak without being scared? Public speaking is a big determining factor on how you go about life. If you think about it you need public speaking for everything you do. We will write a custom essay sample on Strength of Public Speaking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You will use this toll all the time. Speaking properly is a quintessential in life. If you dont know how to speak properly you will not be able to do anything. If you really look at It you need public for a Job, sports, parents, and teaching, Just to name a few. The list can go on for hours.The point I am trying to get across Is without public speaking ability, you will be a lost cause. I hate public speaking, but if I am going to be successful in life I need to have a grasp of what it can do for you. Public speaking cannot only help you out in life it can make you feel good about yourself. If you know what you are talking about and want to make sense out of it, you have to properly introduce to your audience. The way you do this is by a simple outline of what you want to say. The mall parts of a speech consist of: an Introduction, a body, and a conclusion. But there are many parts for each one.The Introduction has a couple of components that you need to know. The first one is the attention grabber. You need to state something funny or a mouth dropping fear of public speaking consistently tops every list of human fears. A face to face speech puts heavy demands on speakers and listeners. The combination of voice, body and personality as well as on-the spot chemistry makes speech a form of communication with compelling vitality. Regardless of the effort and attention given to creating a substantial and worthwhile message without an effective restoration the speech unlikely creates the desire effect.Improving certain aspects in presentations will allow enough experience and confidence to have the ability to successfully speak publicly. The ease to speak in front of large audiences and the ability to choose the right words at the right time seems as though they were born with the talent. Some benefit by taking courses through their high schools and universities, while others may spend thousands on a few hours of lessons In order to develop their ability, according to Lucas (18). As a result most Americans rank their umber one fear as being the fear of public speaking.Public speaking creates a feeling of empowerment, as one is able to communicate information to all audiences, along with the ability to influence peoples attitudes and behavior and to allow one to achieve a position of leadership. Public speaking is essential to success in nearly every walk of life. The fact of searching for a Job will be less stressful If an applicant workforce it is vital to have speaking skills to deliver oral reports or presentations, responding to questions, or while training new employees.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Graduation Essays - Holocaust Literature, Night, 9, DraftZoro 4 Eva
As the suns rays shine through the football field where the ceremony of my graduation took place. Someone above must have known it was my graduation day and blessed me with a beautiful day. I was so excited that the night before the graduation I could not sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about the graduation. I waited this moment for four long years in high school. Graduation is one of the memorable days of my life. On my graduation, I was filled with butterfly in my stomach. I was like an ant in the crowd waiting to be crushed. The place filled with students and staffs and conversation was excitedly exchange from one friend to another. I wondered around the place looking for my friends who are already laughing excitedly with each other. After searching through the crowd of people, I finally found them. I sneaked on them and suddenly without warning I tapped on one of my friends shoulder and yelled out ?HEY.? He jumped as if the earthquake has occurred. He turned around and said, ?You scare the hell out of me, man.? We were all laughing and the conversation began once more. ?So what do we do afterward I said. We started to discuss whether we went out to eat later or we go our separate way. My friends Cong asked me, ?what do you think? Where should we go after I turned to my female friend named Phuong and asked, ?Do you have any plan after this? If not, we should go out and celebrate, what do you think She answered me with no words but a shake of a head, and then she nodded for the two questions I asked. ?Then its settle, we will go out and celebrate later.? I yelled ?YEAH.? Suddenly, everyone started to run toward the field like lab mice ran back to its cage. We were like an army of bees brushed out of our hive with the common goal: going the football field where the ceremony started. We then raced to the field where everyone was and went to our seats that already arranged to us. As we sat there with the smell of green grass, and the fresh air under the blue sky, the faculty started to make their speeches and quietly we sat there. Listened to the wise words of the people who already been through life and now they shared their experiences with us. We sat there, gave them undivided attention and those magical words come in one ear and out the other. We did not care much of what they wanted to say, all we care about is celebrating afterward. We were too excited to listen even though those magical words may come handy one day. After long hours of speeches, the ceremony began. As the faculty started to call students? names and hand out the diploma, family and friends started to yell out something that alienated to me. Nevertheless, those screaming made the ceremony more exciting than ever. After many names being called, finally I heard my name. I stood up and started to walk toward the stadium where the diploma gave out. Butterfly started to fill my stomach, and as I walked toward the stadium, the chair caught my leg and I almost fell. I pulled myself together after my mind was shattered like a piece of class broken into millions of pieces. Little embarrassed, my face turned pale and everyone was giggling and whispering with one another. The short distance from the place, where I sat to the stadium seems like million miles away after the incident. I finally made it. One of the faculties hand me the diploma and said to me ?Congratulations, you made it.? as I walked toward and pulled my hand out to accept the reward for the four years of school. The sound of the clapping hands sound like firecrackers on the Chinese New Year. That moment will never leave me, it?s tattooed in my head and it will stay there for as long as I live. After the last person got the diploma, the principle yelled out ?CONGRATULATIONS, class of 1998? he
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Freedom after September 11 essays
Freedom after September 11 essays Freedom After the September 11th Tragedy There are a very large number of people in the United States of America that may say that freedom, as we have known it, will never be the same in this country again after the Tragedy of September 11th. Although some people may think that this event has no direct effect on the freedoms of other Americans, I have a strong belief that it does. There are two major reasons that I think our freedom is in jeopardy. One reason is because the September 11th tragedy brought a multitude of stereotypes into the minds of the ignorant in America. These stereotypes put the freedoms of Islamic Americans in jeopardy. The other reason I think that our freedom is in jeopardy is that the Taliban had friends as well. If the Taliban attacked our freedom, who is to say that their friends will I immediately thought about the Americans who are of Islamic and Muslim descent when the tragedy occurred. As an African American, I know a great deal about being stereotyped; so I can see how Islamic Americans might feel during these times. Since the tragedy, many of these Islamic Americans have been stereotyped abs being terrorists or bomb manufacturers. They are looked down on and stereotyped because of their ancestry and because of the way they look. This is a violation of their freedom. Hopefully, Americans as a whole will be able to put a stop to all of the negative stereotypes because when Islamic Americans feel that they have been robbed of their freedom, our freedom as a whole will be greatly damaged, too. Another reason that I feel our countrys freedom is in danger is because of the Talibans allies. I honestly do not think that the Taliban acted alone in their attempt to destroy the United States. Everyone has at least one friend and the Taliban is no ...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
HOW DO THE MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS WORK TO REDUCE COMPETITION AND INCREASE PROFITS - Essay Example a very function of the fact that this particular practice is illegal and almost every single nation around the globe, the profit margins for such behavior are extraordinarily high. Due to the fact that individuals are attracted to this particular line of work based upon the extraordinarily high income they can earn with relatively little effort, there is a continual allure that drug trafficking, smuggling, production, and distribution has for individuals that might not otherwise consider integrating with the traditional economy. Needless to say, in order for drug distribution, transportation, or production to be particularly effective, it must necessarily have a certain level of organization. In much the same way that individual businesses within the traditional economy grow and expand to encompass operational goals and responsibilities that comprised many different individuals, drug cartels have grown as a function of controlling drug trafficking and production as well as smothering potential competition. Whereas the individual might be able to make a relatively small amount of money based upon drug trafficking and production, the protection, level of legitimacy, power, and reach that a cartel as allows this particular process to be engaged in a much more efficient manner. As such, the following discussion will provide a detailed observation with regards to the economics of cartel behavior. Subsequently, it is the hope of this particular author that such a unit of analysis will be beneficial in attempting to relate the dynamics of how this subsector of the economy works; as well as providing an insightful understanding of how economic principles that define the remainder of the economic sphere remain applicable and worthy of consideration ââ¬â even within the black market. When one considers the illicit drugs industry, they invariably consider the most commonly referred to forms of drug trafficking; marijuana and cocaine. Although it is true that marijuana
Friday, February 7, 2020
Epistemologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Epistemologies - Essay Example In addition, the manifestation in this epistemology that knowledge relates with our history and social lives is arguably true since knowledge may originate from such quarters. Nevertheless, we cannot rely on historical knowledge alone to operate in todayââ¬â¢s world. Hence, this epistemology significantly confirms that we must accommodate societal and developmental changes to define todayââ¬â¢s knowledge. Similarly, the notion in this epistemology that realism correlates with empiricism to suggest that we can use our consciousness to establish the reality of things that exist outside our realms of knowledge is very fundamental. Hence, I agree with the fact that consciousness and reality are not distinct in establishing knowledge but rely on each other because humans have no capacity to establish all the truth but their consciousness can help them to establish some reality. Indeed, consciousness is a component of the absolute reality. Actually, reality involves more than our per ception and thus to establish adequate knowledge, there is need to apply consciousness. However, I partly agree with the notion that total knowledge exists outside our consciousness since I doubt whether we can realistically detect that knowledge as knowledge is always in motion. In addressing interpretivism, I partly concur with the fact that the knower seemingly constructs the reality. However, I concur with the idea that what we know is ultimate and that our consciousness only consults itself and not objective reality to establish the absolute reality. Indeed, we cannot use objectivity presume knowledge as our consciousness equally has limits. Nevertheless, the idea in this epistemology that the knower plays a noble part in establishing knowledge is very true in that one cannot claim to obtain knowledge in absentia. In addition, this epistemology
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Childhood Obesity Prevention and Intervention Essay Example for Free
Childhood Obesity Prevention and Intervention Essay ââ¬Å"Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the last 30 yearsâ⬠(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2008). That statistic is staggering. Data and surveys from the 1970ââ¬â¢s to present suggest that the United States has been fighting obesity for a great deal of time and the battle continues, increasing in numbers and ever more alarming trends (Fals, 2009). Obesity has historically been treated as an adult problem, but the tripling of childhood obesity over the last three decades clearly illustrates that children are at exponentially higher risk, requiring a shift in focus. Immediate and continuing efforts are essential in the battle against childhood obesity. Prevention, education, and intervention require the involvement of not only affected children and their parents, but the public, government, and medical community as well. The government and society need to become involved in making prevention and intervention of childhood obesity a top priority. Family involvement is also critical; however, aid is needed to support and educate them. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, has been promoting a campaign (Letââ¬â¢s Move!) to raise awareness and help prevent childhood obesity (White House, 2011). The campaignââ¬â¢s checklists for parents and childcare providers contain numerous simple, but helpful tips like dietary changes, exercising, and restricting television and video game time. Similarly, We Can! à ® is a program offering many resources to parents, caregivers, and local community groups. Like the latter campaign, this program also places focus on diet, exercise, and media usage. The program partners nationally with a number of organizations and media outlets to ensure families in all parts of America have access to information and help (U.S. Department of Health Human Services [HHS], 2012). More programs like these are needed in communities and nationwide. The number of resources is increasing but not as quickly as the problem they are attempting to help. Strategies for childhood obesity intervention and prevention are surprisingly simple, but it is up to parents to implement them. One strategy is sharing meals as a family. Choosing healthy foods is not easy and parents can help by providing healthy meals and sharing them with their children. In addition, children often model the behavior of parents; therefore, a parent eating healthy foods may influence the child to do the same. Eating together has the added benefit of being an emotionally positive experience for the entire family. According to guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, food choices and physical activity are the most important factors in the obesity battle. Consequently, parents must offer healthy foods in addition to lowering the calories their children consume. Children must also be encouraged to exercise (HHS, 2010, p. 10). Finally, reduction of television, video games, and computer usage encourages children to be more active and gets them moving. Reducing screen time to no more than two hours per day is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP, 2003, p. 427). By implementing these strategies, parents will be able to help their children with making strides towards health. Research studies have determined health dangers faced by obese children are comparable to those of obese adults. Formerly adult-associated chronic diseases are striking children. These diseases (comorbidities) are numerous and may have grave consequences. Diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and the metabolic syndrome are only a few examples of the diseases striking obese children (Daniels et al., 2005, p. 2002). Furthermore, additional research has determined that childhood and adolescent obesity can cause early death (Reilly Kelly, 2011, p. 894). The medical community must provide more research and education to help with prevention of these disease processes and better interventions. Researchers have stressed the ââ¬Å"stigmatization of fatness,â⬠with regard to societal views of this disease (Gard Wright, 2005, p. 69). Obese children are assumed to be lazy and unworthy of attention. Obese children suffer many psychological issues and the bullying is one of the contributors. A recent study reported, ââ¬Å"Bullying happens every dayâ⬠and it ââ¬Å"has a direct impact on stress and trauma symptomsâ⬠(Brandt et al., 2012). Furthermore, ââ¬Å"Children who are obese are more likely to be bulliedâ⬠asserts another study (Lumeng et al., 2010). In general, obese children tend to be at risk for depression, anxiety disorders, social phobias, poor self-esteem, eating disorders, and a higher risk of suicidal tendencies. Psychiatric intervention is required to aid obese children in developing normally so these problems do not continue into adulthood. Individual support and support groups could be very effective interventions to consider. The epidemic of childhood obesity is not getting better. Every year it appears to be getting excessively worse. Realistic goals are to educate parents, healthcare providers, and the public, giving them as much research and information as possible. Education, intervention, and prevention are the most important factors for combating the effects of childhood obesity and in helping to ensure the health and happiness of children suffering from this disease. References American Academy of Pediatrics. (2003). Prevention of pediatric overweight and obesity. Pediatrics, 112(2), 427. Retrieved from 9k 2010-03-11 Brandt, A., Zaveri, K., Fernandez, K., Jondoh, L., Duran, E., Bell, L., . . . Gutierrez, J. (2012). School bullying hurts: Evidence of psychological and academic challenges among students with bullying histories. Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences: Special Edition, 11. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2008). CDC Obesity Facts Adolescent and school health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from Daniels, S., Arnett, D., Eckel, R., Gidding, S., Hayman, L., Kumanyika, S., . . . Robinson, T. (2005). Overweight in children and adolescents. Circulation, 111(15), 1999-2012. Fals, A. (2009). Childhood obesity : A bit of history National childhood obesity. Examiner. Retrieved from Gard, M., Wright, J. (2005). The obesity epidemic: Science, morality, and ideology (1st Ed.). New York, U.S.A.: Taylor Francis Inc. Lumeng, J., Forrest, P., Appugliese, D., Kaciroti, N., Corwyn, R., Bradley, R. (2010). Weight Status as a Predictor of Being Bullied in Third Through Sixth Grades. Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 125(6), 1301-1307. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-0774. Reilly, J., Kelly, J. (2011). Long-term impact of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence on morbidity and premature mortality in adulthood: Systematic review. International Journal of Obesity, 35(7), 891-898. doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.222.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Personal Narrative- Parties :: Personal Narrative Essays
Personal Narrative- Parties Every weekend there is a party somewhere. Whether it is out at the "Momma," the lake, or even at someone's house, it is the "cool place" to be. Last year, I arrived at the Halloween dance not wearing a costume but expecting to have a great time with all of my friends dancing and listening to music. I overheard someone talking about a party that was going to start at Mary's house. Being invited to go with all of my friends, I didn't want to be the wimp of the group, so I decided to go along. I drove away from the dance thinking that I would only stay for a little while at the party. Pulling into the driveway, I instantly knew that this wasn't a good idea. My hands were shaking, and I had goose bumps all over my arms and legs. "What if my parents find out?" I thought. How would I be able to explain being at a party to them? I was supposed to be at the dance. I looked at the trailer and saw people going in and out. Can I still leave? I was going to leave. However, I stepped out of my car and could hear the music playing from someone's system. It was the song "Joker" by the Steve Miller Band. The aroma of the trailer could be smelt outside, and the Jack Daniels was being circulated like popcorn at a baseball game. I looked inside and saw people sitting on a dark pumpkin-colored couch playing cards. They were hanging out in the kitchen. People were going to and from the small 70's size refrigerator popping the tops off of their beers and letting them fall on the floor which was covered in dirt, pieces of broken dry wall, and glass from a broken window. The looks on people's faces were that of sheer fun, they were making fools out of themselves, and, even if they hated it, they weren't going to stop. I found Mary, who was gloating with the thoughts of her fantastic party, and behind her rose a voice that I recognized very well. I looked and saw Tonya staggering down the concrete steps of the trailer. She was laughing hysterically and talking in a loud, uncontrollable voice. Supporting herself on the car next to us, she looked at me through her almost psychotic eyes and started to rummage through her pockets and babble.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Comparing Diverse African Cultures Essay
Throughout every culture there are many similar customs, however it is the personal experiences that make the cultures different and diverse. In the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the main character Okonkwo lives in Umofia until the tribe exiles him for accidentally killing a man in his village. After seven years the people of his village allow him to return to Umofia, among his return there are white missionaries in his village that have come to introduce christianity to his people. Okonkwo quickly realizes that his village is now unrecognizable. The short story Life Is Sweet At Kumansenu by Abioseh Nicol, expresses the strong relationships between the living and the dead that are present in African culture. The religious beliefs, social structures and attitudes toward the dead represented in Things Fall Apart are equally similar and different to the concepts present in the short story Life Is Sweet At Kumansenu. Death is a natural part of the circle of life, and the way the dead are treated varies from culture to culture. In Life Is Sweet At Kumansenu, a grandmother (Bola) and her granddaughter (Asi) receive an unexpected visit from the spirit of their son/father Meji. Except it is unknown to Bola and Asi that their loved one is a spirit until after he leaves them. Mr. Addai announces Mejiââ¬â¢s death to the village on Monday, ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËBut I tell you, he was here on Friday and left Sunday morning,ââ¬â¢ Bola said. ââ¬ËHe couldnââ¬â¢t have died on Friday.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Abioseh 10). The spirit of Meji had come back to his family to say his final goodbyes and thank his mother for all she had done for him. In the African culture they worship and praise the dead, as the dead are a huge part of their lives and culture. Similarly in Things Fall Apart, Okonkwoââ¬â¢s people believe in spirits of the Nigerian tribes, also called the egwugwu. The people of Umofia both fear and respect the egwugwu, ââ¬Å"A woman fled as soon as an egwugwu came in sight. And when, as on that day, nine of the greatest masked spirits in the clan came out together it was a terrifying spectacle.â⬠(Achebe 78). The people of Umofia believe that the egwugwu have magical powers, and know that when they are present someone will most likely be taken as a sacrifice to the gods. The people of African descent treat the dead with great respect and think highly of them. There are many different types of religion in the world, in many African cultures the people are polytheistic. In Things Fall Apart not only do they worship gods and priestesses but they idolize spirits too; like the ojbange. The ojbange is a child who has previously passed away, but has come back to haunt the mother and be reborn. ââ¬Å"Some of them did become tired of their evil rounds of birth and death, or took pity on their mothers, and stayed.â⬠(Achebe 70). Some of these children did continue their lives and grow into adults, but most of them die as young children or infants. Also in Life Is Sweet At Kumansenu the mothers of ojbange children are ridiculed and mocked by the village people. ââ¬Å"All the years of their married life, people had said she was a witch because her children had died young.â⬠(Abioseh 6). Even though most likely it is not the fault of the mother that their child had died, the people of the village overlook that and continue to outcast them for their ââ¬Å"witchcraftâ⬠. A major social custom in African culture and many other cultures is food. Food has the power to bring a lot of people together. In Things Fall Apart we see this during the feast for Obierikaââ¬â¢s daughters wedding shower. ââ¬Å"As the evening wore on, food was presented to the guests. There were huge bowls of foo-foo and steaming pots of soup. There were also pots of yam pottage. It was a great feast.â⬠(Achebe 104). Everyone, all over the world, eats food; it is the recipes and different dishes that make the experience diverse. Similarly in Life Is Sweet At Kumansenu, Bola uses food to welcome home her son. ââ¬Å"We must make a feast, we must have a big feast. I must tell the neighbors at once.â⬠(Abioseh 3). Bolaââ¬â¢s excitement that her son is home calls for a celebration. When having people over nine out of ten times food will be involved in some way. Food is something that most all people have in common, and is something they think about everyday. The religious beliefs, attitudes toward the dead and social customs make Things Fall Apart and Life Is Sweet At Kumansenu equally similar and different. Two different African stories, from the same culture but that have different traditions and techniques is what makes our society different and diverse.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
How to Help Kids Learn Digraphs in Spelling and Sounds
Digraphs are two letters that make a third letter sound, when combined, such as ch or sh. Many sight vocabulary words use digraphs, which may provide a springboard for exploring these letter pairs when helping students learn to read new and unfamiliar vocabulary.Ã When considering a spelling program and how to best help children learn the sounds of the English language, you will need to choose words that help them understand all of the 44 sounds. Part of those 44 sounds include the digraphs. It is also important to distinguish letter digraphs from letter blends, which are letters commonly paired whose individual sounds are created in concert, such as sl, pl, pr, sr, etc.Ã Often, children with disabilities have difficulty hearing and distinguishing letter blends, but consonant digraphs are easier because even the voiced and unvoiced digraphs (th) are made in the same way, with tongue placement in the same place. Often, students who have problems with identifying and/or hearing digraphs are also struggling with hearing (hard of hearing) or articulating (apraxia) the letter sound.Ã Students with these difficulties should be referred to audiologists or speech-language pathologists for assessment and/or services. The consonant digraphs are: ch, sh, th, ng (final sound) ph, and wh. Strategies for Teaching Common Words With Digraphs Introducing the Sound Use decodable books with consonant digraphs to introduce the sounds.Ã Use picture cards (chew, chop, chin, etc.)Ã to introduce the sounds.Use a double ch letter card with other letter cards to build words.Ã Have students build the same words with an individual pocket chart. Practicing the Sound Word Sorts:Ã Put lots of words with paired initial sounds in squares.Ã Have them cut out the words and paste them under the consonant digraph, i.e. ch-chap, chart, chink, chop, chip and then sh-ship, shop, sheep, sharp, etc.Word Building:Ã Create worksheets where students choose from two digraphs to build words, such as ship, sheep, shop. Some should have more than one of the same ending (chop, shop) and others should have only one ending (chin, sharp, etc.)Ã Word Games:Ã Create bingo games, especially with more than one word from a word family, to help students focus on the digraph. Examples include chip and ship, shop and chop.Ã Sounds Sound: ch as in chew Initial ch sound:Ã chew, chop, chips, choice, chance, chain, champ, chase, cheer, cheek, cheat, chase, chalk, choose Final ch sound: touch, each, reach, coach, ditch, ouch, beach, teach, ditch, lunch Sound: sh like in shy or rush Initial sh:Ã shadow, shade, shine, shop, shell, shout, shrub, shut, share, shower Final sh:Ã push, rush, fresh, wish, wash, fish, dish, trash, ash, rash Sound: the unvoiced th as in this the, then, they, there, their, this, them, these, that, though Sound: the voiced th as in thin thin, think, thick, thank, theft, thumb, tooth, truth, with, width Sound: wh as in why why, where, what, when, while, wheel, white, which, wheat, whistle Final Sound ng as in ring sing, sang, wing, bang, clang, bong, dung, sung, mung, clung, cling Sound:Ã ph as in phone Phillip, phantom, phonics, phase, phlox
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