Saturday, August 31, 2019

Poverty an Pollution

In the Article Poverty and Pollution, there are many things being discuss such as poverty, pollution, harmful gases, the percentage of infant mortality and how nearly 13,000 suffer from respiratory disease. Many residents are suffering from different/variety of health problem as an result. These problems are very serious and dangerous. The people over in Brazil’s â€Å"valley of death† are having difficulties breathing and could die if there’s nothing done about the situation. As it stated in the case a reporter for the National Geographic wasn’t there an hour and started having complication, his chest began aching, the air was so polluted that the sir inflamed his bronchial tubes and restricted his breathing. You also have kids can’t go out side like normal kids because the air is so polluted they can barely breathe. Due to financial issue resident can’t afford to move. Dr Oswaldo Compos say the poor is paying the price. If so other countries should find ways to solve or even help the situation. Maybe the poor do pay the price of pollution, but there are those who believe that they should have more of it. I feel the poor should not have to suffer because of the polluting in the air. It should be safe where ever live, you shouldn’t have to live inside your homes because of this. They have to change their lives completely because due to the circumstances. I’m quite sure these residents are tired of sitting in the house? Or not being able to shop like they want, or maybe the fact taking their kids to the park? It enough that they have to deal with this but the fact of being in the house all day everyday it just ridiculous. These residents have to be cautions of everything they come in contact with. Lawrence Summer the director of the National Economic Council and formerly President of Harvard University. Summers focused on things that should be done first, second and third. He makes really good points. As he stated pollution costs rise disproportionately as pollution increase, it make sense to shift pollution from already dirty places. But who really suffers? The poor? Or the rich? You have people who agree with Summer’s and you also have some that do disagree with him as well. Some feel his idea’s are a recipe for ruin, while others thinks his idea’s are basically on the right track. Here’s a little insight on poverty: First here’s a little insight on poverty. Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. Absolute poverty or destitution refers to the deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education. For much of history, poverty was considered largely unavoidable as traditional modes of production were insufficient to give an entire population a comfortable standard of living. After the industrial revolution, mass production in factories made wealth increasingly more inexpensive and accessible. Or more importance is the modernization of agriculture, such as fertilizers, in order to provide enough yield to feed the population. About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every three and a half seconds, as you can see on this display. Unfortunately, it is children who die most often. And it sadden me to hear that children are the ones that is most often die. Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families. The â€Å"Americans† that so many of us have taken for granted for so many decades is literally disintegrating right in front of our eyes. Most Americans are still operating under the delusion that the United States will always be â€Å"the wealthiest nation† in the world and that our economy will always produce large numbers of high paying jobs and the U. S. will always have a very large middle class. But that is not what is happening. The very foundations of the U. S. economy have rotted away and we now find ourselves on the verge of an economic collapse. Already millions of Americans are slipping out the middle class and into the devastating grip of poverty. Statistic after statistic proves that the middle class in the United States is shrinking month after month. Meanwhile, millions of American starting to wake up and are beginning to realize that we have very serious problems in our hands, but they have no idea what is causing our economic distress and they are unaware that most of our politicians have absolutely no idea how to fix the economy disaster that we have created. Hunger and Poverty: †¢ Despite years of progress against hunger, in 2010, it is estimated that 925 million people suffer from hunger. This is due to a sudden spike in global food prices and the onset of world-wide economics crisis. †¢ In 2005, the latest year for which date is available, 1. billion people in developing countries lived in extreme poverty, or less than $1. 25 a day, down from 1. 9 billion in 1981. Regional Disparities: †¢ Poverty has declined dramatically in East Asia and in India since 1981 relative to population growth. Sub-Saharan Africa has been little change in the proportion of people who live in extreme poverty between 1981 and 2005, w ith 51% of the population living on less than $1. 25 per day, down from 53% in 1981. The absolute number of people in extreme poverty has almost doubled during the same period, from 200 million in 1981 to almost 400 million in 2005. About 75% of the world’s poor people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Malnutrition: †¢ In 2008, nearly 9 million children did before they reached their fifth birthday. One third of these deaths are due directly or indirectly to hunger and malnutrition. Malnutrition is not having enough nourishing food, with adequate amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals and calories to support physical and mental growth and development. Children who survive early childhood malnutrition poor physical growth, compromised immune function, and impaired cognitive ability. Around the world, 178 million children under 5 are stunted, low height for age of all stunted children, 90 percent live in just 36 countries, most of them in sub-Saharan Africa and South and Central Asia. †¢ In countries with high levels of childhood malnutrition, the economic loss can be as high as 2-3 percent of GDP. U. S. Development Assistance: †¢ U. S. development assistance accounts for about 0. 2% of gross national income. Since 2000, U. S. poverty-focused development assistance has tripled, and currently totals a little over $28 billion, but this amount still represents less than 1% of the federal budget. From 1985 to 2005, U. S. development assistance to support agriculture and rural development declined from 12 percent of all official development assistance to just 3. 1 percent. We are told that globalization calls for accountability and that accountability demands uniform universal standards. That sounds reasonable doesn’t it? But what about the standardized beliefs and values? Like it or not such standards are here. There is nothing inherently wrong with standards. I would propose a plan such as countries coming together and focusing on making different co unties a better place to live. Start by cleaning up and dealing with the main issues. Poverty and Pollution is very dangerous and no one should not have to indure such tragic things. While doing and focusing on the direst issue I would find funding in helping areas such sheltering, sanitation, clothing, food, water, health as well as education. These are so important in life, people can’t function properly without this. You have people having respiratory issues due so much bad pollution in the air. I would also focus on getting teams or starting a foundation on cleaning up our communities and having a safe place to live. Many families are suffering everyday due to pollution, they are not having normal live as they should. The majors steps I would take are : How to help stop Pollution: 1. I would surf the web for solution 2. Think small ( the little things adds up) 3. Speak out!!!! Put sign up saying Please Recycle ( Tell people what you know) I would do whatever it takes to get the word out. Express idea’s that would make it better. I would also start a group and we would meek at least once a week to discuss the issue at hand.

Disadvantages to Patriot Act

Disadvantages to the Patriot act (USAPA); There are six flaws to the act that was passed into law on October 26th, 2001: It takes away civil rights, by doing so it destroys the definition of what it means to be an American Citizen [ (talkradio101, 2010) ]. The feeling is that by destroying our way of life is the best way to reward or give victory to the terrorist [ (topix, 2012) ]. Secondly, Constitutional protections are violated, the U. S. Constitution is the most lasting, well-written document, and this is why our nation has become the most successful nation [ (talkradio101, 2010) ].People from all over the world have migrated here for the freedom of religious practice, now you can be tracked to your place of worship which violates the 1st Amendment violation), you can be held without trial, without representation or facing the witnesses against them which are violations of the 6th and 7th Amendments. Third is potential for abuse by current administration and future administration s, this â€Å"War on Terror† potentially has no end; there will not be a cease fire or peace treaty signed to officially end the war like in nation-vs. nation wars [ (talkradio101, 2010) ]. This means that the â€Å"time of danger† will never end and that the government will continue to violate our rights [ (NPR, 2012) ]. Fourthly is the act increases the possibility for racial profiling or other means of discrimination and harassment, we have many law-abiding loyal Americans who are of Arab decent, have Muslim Beliefs and work in high profile careers, such as nuclear scientist and biowepons experts [ (NPR, 2012) ].We have come a long way in our many civil rights abuses of the past and something like this could cause a detrimental slip backwards for our nations [ (talkradio101, 2010) ]. Fifth flaw is the use of gathered information by government for non-terror/political purposes, this information could be used for blackmail, embarrassment of rivals to further a career or gain the upper hand in a political race. This information could be used to bring down anyone who would chose to speak out against the country or even someone in political power.Lastly all of the first flaws could lead to the abuse of Muslims and other groups causing a shift in viable sources of information to locate terrorist and possibly creating new terrorist [ (topix, 2012) ] [ (NPR, 2012) ]. Works Cited NPR. (2012, October 29). NPR. org. Retrieved from www. npr. org: www. npr. org/news/specials/patriotact/patriotactprovisions. html talkradio101. (2010, May 18). Retrieved from www. talkradio101. com: http://www. talkradio101. com topix. (2012, October 29). www. topix. com. Retrieved from Topix. com: www. topix. com/forum/us/patriot-act/TUPOA5NOIQKIFN8FE/p3

Friday, August 30, 2019

Literature Cape Essay

Many critics attempt to show how the disguise relate to the different parts, and/or different characters of the play. This story explores a cariety of themes and issues, however disguise, deceit, celebration and festivity are the major, more prominent ones. Although the play is a â€Å"silly play† said by Samuel Pepys, who saw the play on three occasions, many critics feel the play’s use of language used to deceive and the failure of characters to communicate properly and effectively and truthfully, made it confusing. The Twelfth Night (January 6th) is actually the Epiphany. During the Epiphany noble households sponsored numerous performances of plays, masques, banquets and kinds of activities. This story opens up to a man, Curio dressing for the plans of that night. While dressing, he confesses how he feels towards a woman named Olivia. Olivia, a well-to-do woman, wants little Analysis of Major Characters Viola Like most of Shakespeare’s heroines, Viola is a tremendously likable figure. She has no serious faults, and we can easily discount the peculiarity of her decision to dress as a man, since it sets the entire plot in motion. She is the character whose love seems the purest. The other characters’ passions are fickle: Orsino jumps from Olivia to Viola, Olivia jumps from Viola to Sebastian, and Sir Toby and Maria’s marriage seems more a matter of whim than an expression of deep and abiding passion. Only Viola seems to be truly, passionately in love as opposed to being self-indulgently lovesick. As she says to Orsino, describing herself and her love for him: She pined in thought, And with a green and yellow melancholy She sat like patience on a monument, Smiling at grief. Was not this love indeed? (II. iv. 111–114) The audience, like Orsino, can only answer with an emphatic yes. Viola’s chief problem throughout the play is one of identity. Because of her disguise, she must be both herself and Cesario. This mounting identity crisis culminates in the final scene, when Viola finds herself surrounded by people who each have a different idea of who she is and are unaware of who she actually is. Were Twelfth Night not a comedy, this pressure might cause Viola to break down. Sebastian’s appearance at this point, however, effectively saves Viola by allowing her to be herself again. Sebastian, who independent of his sister is not much of a character, takes over the aspects f Viola’s disguise that she no longer wishes to maintain. Thus liberated by her brother, Viola is free to shed the roles that she has accumulated throughout the play, and she can return to being Viola, the woman who has loved and won Orsino. Orsino and Olivia Orsino and Olivia are worth discussing together, because they have similar personalities. Both claim to be buffeted by s trong emotions, but both ultimately seem to be self-indulgent individuals who enjoy melodrama and self-involvement more than anything. When we first meet them, Orsino is pining away for love of Olivia, while Olivia pines away for her dead brother. They show no interest in relating to the outside world, preferring to lock themselves up with their sorrows and mope around their homes. Viola’s arrival begins to break both characters out of their self-involved shells, but neither undergoes a clear-cut change. Orsino relates to Viola in a way that he never has to Olivia, diminishing his self-involvement and making him more likable. Yet he persists in his belief that he is in love with Olivia until the final scene, in spite of the fact that he never once speaks to her during the course of the play. Olivia, meanwhile, sets aside her grief when Viola (disguised as Cesario) comes to see her. But Olivia takes up her own fantasy of lovesickness, in which she pines away—with a self-indulgence that mirrors Orsino’s—for a man who is really a woman. Ultimately, Orsino and Olivia seem to be out of touch with real emotion, as demonstrated by the ease with which they shift their affections in the final scene—Orsino from Olivia to Viola, and Olivia from Cesario to Sebastian. The similarity between Orsino and Olivia does not diminish with the end of the play, since the audience realizes that by marrying Viola and Sebastian, respectively, Orsino and Olivia are essentially marrying female and male versions of the same person. Malvolio Malvolio initially seems to be a minor character, and his humiliation seems little more than an amusing subplot to the Viola-Olivia-Orsino- love triangle. But he becomes more interesting as the play progresses, and most critics have judged him one of the most complex and fascinating characters in Twelfth Night. When we first meet Malvolio, he seems to be a simple type—a puritan, a stiff and proper servant who likes nothing better than to spoil other people’s fun. It is this dour, fun-despising side that earns him the enmity of the zany, drunken Sir Toby and the clever Maria, who together engineer his downfall. But they do so by playing on a side of Malvolio that might have otherwise remained hidden—his self-regard and his remarkable ambitions, which extend to marrying Olivia and becoming, as he puts it, â€Å"Count Malvolio† (II. v. 30). When he finds the forged letter from Olivia (actually penned by Maria) that seems to offer hope to his ambitions, Malvolio undergoes his first transformation—from a stiff and wooden embodiment of priggish propriety into an personification of the power of self–delusion. He is ridiculous in these scenes, as he capers around in the yellow stockings and crossed garters that he thinks will please Olivia, but he also becomes pitiable. He may deserve his come-uppance, but there is an uncomfortable universality to his experience. Malvolio’s misfortune is a cautionary tale of ambition overcoming good sense, and the audience winces at the way he adapts every event—including Olivia’s confused assumption that he must be mad—to fit his rosy picture of his glorious future as a nobleman. Earlier, he embodies stiff joylessness; now he is joyful, but in pursuit of a dream that everyone, except him, knows is false. Our pity for Malvolio only increases when the vindictive Maria and Toby confine him to a dark room in Act IV. As he desperately protests that he is not mad, Malvolio begins to seem more of a victim than a victimizer. It is as if the unfortunate steward, as the embodiment of order and sobriety, must be sacrificed so that the rest of the characters can indulge in the hearty spirit that suffuses Twelfth Night. As he is sacrificed, Malvolio begins to earn our respect. It is too much to call him a tragic figure, however—after all, he is only being asked to endure a single night in darkness, hardly a fate comparable to the sufferings of King Lear or Hamlet. But there is a kind of nobility, however limited, in the way that the deluded steward stubbornly clings to his sanity, even in the face of Feste’s insistence that he is mad. Malvolio remains true to himself, despite everything: he knows that he is sane, and he will not allow anything to destroy this knowledge. Malvolio (and the audience) must be content with this self-knowledge, because the play allows Malvolio no real recompense for his sufferings. At the close of the play, he is brought out of the darkness into a celebration in which he has no part, and where no one seems willing to offer him a real apology. â€Å"I’ll be revenged on the whole pack of you,† he snarls, stalking out of the festivities (V. i. 365). His exit strikes a jarring note in an otherwise joyful comedy. Malvolio has no real place in the anarchic world of Twelfth Night, except to suggest that, even in the best of worlds, someone must suffer while everyone else is happy. I n the kingdom of Illyria, a nobleman named Orsino lies around listening to music, pining away for the love of Lady Olivia. He cannot have her because she is in mourning for her dead brother and refuses to entertain any proposals of marriage. Meanwhile, off the coast, a storm has caused a terrible shipwreck. A young, aristocratic-born woman named Viola is swept onto the Illyrian shore. Finding herself alone in a strange land, she assumes that her twin brother, Sebastian, has been drowned in the wreck, and tries to figure out what sort of work she can do. A friendly sea captain tells her about Orsino’s courtship of Olivia, and Viola says that she wishes she could go to work in Olivia’s home. But since Lady Olivia refuses to talk with any strangers, Viola decides that she cannot look for work with her. Instead, she decides to disguise herself as a man, taking on the name of Cesario, and goes to work in the household of Duke Orsino. Viola (disguised as Cesario) quickly becomes a favorite of Orsino, who makes Cesario his page. Viola finds herself falling in love with Orsino—a difficult love to pursue, as Orsino believes her to be a man. But when Orsino sends Cesario to deliver Orsino’s love messages to the disdainful Olivia, Olivia herself falls for the beautiful young Cesario, believing her to be a man. The love triangle is complete: Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia, and Olivia loves Cesario—and everyone is miserable. Meanwhile, we meet the other members of Olivia’s household: her rowdy drunkard of an uncle, Sir Toby; his foolish friend, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, who is trying in his hopeless way to court Olivia; Olivia’s witty and pretty waiting-gentlewoman, Maria; Feste, the clever clown of the house; and Malvolio, the dour, prudish steward of Olivia’s household. When Sir Toby and the others take offense at Malvolio’s constant efforts to spoil their fun, Maria engineers a practical joke to make Malvolio think that Olivia is in love with him. She forges a letter, supposedly from Olivia, addressed to her beloved (whose name is signified by the letters M. O. A. I. ), telling him that if he wants to earn her favor, he should dress in yellow stockings and crossed garters, act haughtily, smile constantly, and refuse to explain himself to anyone. Malvolio finds the letter, assumes that it is addressed to him, and, filled with dreams of marrying Olivia and becoming noble himself, happily follows its commands. He behaves so strangely that Olivia comes to think that he is mad. Meanwhile, Sebastian, who is still alive after all but believes his sister Viola to be dead, arrives in Illyria along with his friend and protector, Antonio. Antonio has cared for Sebastian since the shipwreck and is passionately (and perhaps sexually) attached to the young man—so much so that he follows him to Orsino’s domain, in spite of the fact that he and Orsino are old enemies. Sir Andrew, observing Olivia’s attraction to Cesario (still Viola in disguise), challenges Cesario to a duel. Sir Toby, who sees the prospective duel as entertaining fun, eggs Sir Andrew on. However, when Sebastian—who looks just like the disguised Viola—appears on the scene, Sir Andrew and Sir Toby end up coming to blows with Sebastian, thinking that he is Cesario. Olivia enters amid the confusion. Encountering Sebastian and thinking that he is Cesario, she asks him to marry her. He is baffled, since he has never seen her before. He sees, however, that she is wealthy and beautiful, and he is therefore more than willing to go along with her. Meanwhile, Antonio has been arrested by Orsino’s officers and now begs Cesario for help, mistaking him for Sebastian. Viola denies knowing Antonio, and Antonio is dragged off, crying out that Sebastian has betrayed him. Suddenly, Viola has newfound hope that her brother may be alive. Malvolio’s supposed madness has allowed the gleeful Maria, Toby, and the rest to lock Malvolio into a small, dark room for his treatment, and they torment him at will. Feste dresses up as â€Å"Sir Topas,† a priest, and pretends to examine Malvolio, declaring him definitely insane in spite of his protests. However, Sir Toby begins to think better of the joke, and they allow Malvolio to send a letter to Olivia, in which he asks to be released. Eventually, Viola (still disguised as Cesario) and Orsino make their way to Olivia’s house, where Olivia welcomes Cesario as her new husband, thinking him to be Sebastian, whom she has just married. Orsino is furious, but then Sebastian himself appears on the scene, and all is revealed. The siblings are joyfully reunited, and Orsino realizes that he loves Viola, now that he knows she is a woman, and asks her to marry him. We discover that Sir Toby and Maria have also been married privately. Finally, someone remembers Malvolio and lets him out of the dark room. The trick is revealed in full, and the embittered Malvolio storms off, leaving the happy couples to their celebration. Themes, Motifs & Symbols Themes Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary  work. Love as a Cause of Suffering Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy, and romantic love is the play’s main focus. Despite the fact that the play offers a happy ending, in which the various lovers find one another and achieve wedded bliss, Shakespeare shows that love can cause pain. Many of the characters seem to view love as a kind of curse, a feeling that attacks its victims suddenly and disruptively. Various characters claim to suffer painfully from being in love, or, rather, from the pangs of unrequited love. At one point, Orsino depicts love dolefully as an â€Å"appetite† that he wants to satisfy and cannot (I. i. 1–3); at another point, he calls his desires â€Å"fell and cruel hounds† (I. i. 21). Olivia more bluntly  describes love as a â€Å"plague† from which she suffers terribly  (I. v. 265). These metaphors contain an element of violence, further painting the love-struck as victims of some random force in the universe. Even the less melodramatic Viola sighs unhappily that â€Å"My state is desperate for my master’s love† (II. ii. 35). This desperation has the potential to result in violence—as in Act V, scene i, when Orsino threatens to kill Cesario because he thinks that -Cesario has forsaken him to become Olivia’s lover. Love is also exclusionary: some people achieve romantic happiness, while others do not. At the end of the play, as the happy lovers rejoice, both Malvolio and Antonio are prevented from having the objects of their desire. Malvolio, who has pursued Olivia, must ultimately face the realization that he is a fool, socially unworthy of his noble mistress. Antonio is in a more difficult situation, as social norms do not allow for the gratification of his apparently sexual attraction to Sebastian. Love, thus, cannot conquer all obstacles, and those whose desires go unfulfilled remain no less in love but feel the sting of its absence all the more severely. The Uncertainty of Gender Gender is one of the most obvious and much-discussed topics in the play. Twelfth Night is one of Shakespeare’s so-called transvestite comedies, in which a female character—in this case, Viola—disguises herself as a man. This situation creates a sexual mess: Viola falls in love with Orsino but cannot tell him, because he thinks she is a man, while Olivia, the object of Orsino’s affection, falls for Viola in her guise as Cesario. There is a clear homoerotic subtext here: Olivia is in love with a woman, even if she thinks he is a man, and Orsino often remarks on Cesario’s beauty, suggesting that he is attracted to Viola even before her male disguise is removed. This latent homoeroticism finds an explicit echo in the minor character of Antonio, who is clearly in love with his male friend, Sebastian. But Antonio’s desires cannot be satisfied, while Orsino and Olivia both find tidy heterosexual gratification once the sexual ambiguities and deceptions are straightened out. Yet, even at the play’s close, Shakespeare leaves things somewhat murky, especially in the Orsino-Viola relationship. Orsino’s declaration of love to Viola suggests that he enjoys prolonging the pretense of Viola’s masculinity. Even after he knows that Viola is a woman, Orsino says to her, â€Å"Boy, thou hast said to me a thousand times / Thou never should’st love woman like to me† (V. i. 260–261). Similarly, in his last lines, Orsino declares, â€Å"Cesario, come— / For so you shall be while you are a man; / But when in other habits you are seen, / Orsino’s mistress, and his fancy’s queen† (V. i. 372–375). Even once everything is revealed, Orsino continues to address Viola by her male name. We can thus only wonder whether Orsino is truly in love with Viola, or if he is more enamoured of her male persona. The Folly of Ambition The problem of social ambition works itself out largely through the character of Malvolio, the steward, who seems to be a competent servant, if prudish and dour, but proves to be, in fact, a supreme egotist, with tremendous ambitions to rise out of his social class. Maria plays on these ambitions when she forges a letter from Olivia that makes Malvolio believe that Olivia is in love with him and wishes to marry him. Sir Toby and the others find this fantasy hysterically funny, of course—not only because of Malvolio’s unattractive personality but also because Malvolio is not of noble blood. In the class system of Shakespeare’s time, a noblewoman would generally not sully her reputation by marrying a man of lower social status. Yet the atmosphere of the play may render Malvolio’s aspirations less unreasonable than they initially seem. The feast of Twelfth Night, from which the play takes its name, was a time when social hierarchies were turned upside down. That same spirit is alive in Illyria: indeed, Malvolio’s antagonist, Maria, is able to increase her social standing by marrying Sir Toby. But it seems that Maria’s success may be due to her willingness to accept and promote the anarchy that Sir Toby and the others embrace. This Twelfth Night spirit, then, seems to pass by Malvolio, who doesn’t wholeheartedly embrace the upending of order and decorum but rather wants to blur class lines for himself alone. Motifs Motifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes. Letters, Messages, and Tokens Twelfth Night features a great variety of messages sent from one character to another—sometimes as letters and other times in the form of tokens. Such messages are used both for purposes of communication and miscommunication—sometimes deliberate and sometimes accidental. Maria’s letter to Malvolio, which purports to be from Olivia, is a deliberate (and successful) attempt to trick the steward. Sir Andrew’s letter demanding a duel with Cesario, meanwhile, is meant seriously, but because it is so appallingly stupid, Sir Toby does not deliver it, rendering it extraneous. Malvolio’s missive, sent by way of Feste from the dark room in which he is imprisoned, ultimately works to undo the confusion caused by Maria’s forged letter and to free Malvolio from his imprisonment. But letters are not the only kind of messages that characters employ to communicate with one another. Individuals can be employed in the place of written communication—Orsino repeatedly sends Cesario, for instance, to deliver messages to Olivia. Objects can function as messages between people as well: Olivia sends Malvolio after Cesario with a ring, to tell the page that she loves him, and follows the ring up with further gifts, which symbolize her romantic attachment. Messages can convey important information, but they also create the potential for miscommunication and confusion—especially with characters like Maria and Sir Toby manipulating the information. Madness No one is truly insane in Twelfth Night, yet a number of characters are accused of being mad, and a current of insanity or zaniness runs through the action of the play. After Sir Toby and Maria dupe Malvolio into believing that Olivia loves him, Malvolio behaves so bizarrely that he is assumed to be mad and is locked away in a dark room. Malvolio himself knows that he is sane, and he accuses everyone around him of being mad. Meanwhile, when Antonio encounters Viola (disguised as Cesario), he mistakes her for Sebastian, and his angry insistence that she recognize him leads people to assume that he is mad. All of these incidents feed into the general atmosphere of the play, in which normal life is thrown topsy-turvy, and everyone must confront a reality that is somehow fractured. Disguises Many characters in Twelfth Night assume disguises, beginning with Viola, who puts on male attire and makes everyone else believe that she is a man. By dressing his protagonist in male garments, Shakespeare creates endless sexual confusion with the Olivia-Viola–Orsino love triangle. Other characters in disguise include Malvolio, who puts on crossed garters and yellow stockings in the hope of winning Olivia, and Feste, who dresses up as a priest—Sir Topas—when he speaks to Malvolio after the steward has been locked in a dark room. Feste puts on the disguise even though Malvolio will not be able to see him, since the room is so dark, suggesting that the importance of clothing is not just in the eye of the beholder. For Feste, the disguise completes his assumption of a new identity—in order to be Sir Topas, he must look like Sir Topas. Viola puts on new clothes and changes her gender, while Feste and Malvolio put on new garments either to impersonate a nobleman (Feste) or in the hopes of becoming a nobleman (Malvolio). Through these disguises, the play raises questions about what makes us who we are, compelling the audience to wonder if things like gender and class are set in stone, or if they can be altered with a change of clothing. Mistaken Identity The instances of mistaken identity are related to the prevalence of disguises in the play, as Viola’s male clothing leads to her being mistaken for her brother, Sebastian, and vice versa. Sebastian is mistaken for Viola (or rather, Cesario) by Sir Toby and Sir Andrew, and then by Olivia, who promptly marries him. Meanwhile, Antonio mistakes Viola for Sebastian, and thinks that his friend has betrayed him when Viola claims to not know him. These cases of mistaken identity, common in Shakespeare’s comedies, create the tangled situation that can be resolved only when Viola and Sebastian appear together, helping everyone to understand what has happened. Symbols Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. Olivia’s Gifts When Olivia wants to let Cesario know that she loves him, she sends him a ring by way of Malvolio. Later, when she mistakes Sebastian for Cesario, she gives him a precious pearl. In each case, the jewel serves as a token of her love—a physical symbol of her romantic attachment to a man who is really a woman. The gifts are more than symbols, though. â€Å"Youth is bought more oft than begged or borrowed,† Olivia says at one point, suggesting that the jewels are intended almost as bribes—that she means to buy Cesario’s love if she cannot win it (III. iv. 3). The Darkness of Malvolio’s Prison When Sir Toby and Maria pretend that Malvolio is mad, they confine him in a pitch-black chamber. Darkness becomes a symbol of his supposed insanity, as they tell him that the room is filled with light and his inability to see is a sign of his madness. Malvolio reverses the symbolism. â€Å"I say this house is as dark as ignorance, though ignorance were as dark as hell; and I say there was never man thus abused† (IV. ii. 40–42). In other words, the darkness—meaning madness—is not in the room with him, but outside, with Sir Toby and Feste and Maria, who have unjustly imprisoned him. Changes of Clothing Clothes are powerful in Twelfth Night. They can symbolize changes in gender—Viola puts on male clothes to be taken for a male— as well as class distinctions. When Malvolio fantasizes about becoming a nobleman, he imagines the new clothes that he will have. When Feste impersonates Sir Topas, he puts on a nobleman’s garb, even though Malvolio, whom he is fooling, cannot see him, suggesting that clothes have a power that transcends their physical function. Twelfth Night – Analysis of Fools A fool can be defined in many meanings according to the Oxford English Dictionary On Historical Principles. The word could mean â€Å"a silly person†, or â€Å"one who professionally counterfeits folly for the entertainment of others, a jester, clown† or â€Å"one who has little or no reason or intellect† or â€Å"one who is made to appear to be a fool† (word originated from North Frisian). In english literature, the two main ways which the fool could enter imaginative literature is that â€Å"He could provide a topic, a theme for mediation, or he could turn into a stock character on the stage, a stylized comic figure†. In William Shakespeare’s comedy, Twelfth Night, Feste the clown is not the only fool who is subject to foolery. He and many other characters combine their silly acts and wits to invade other characters that â€Å"evade reality or rather realize a dream†, while â€Å"our sympathies go out to those†. â€Å"It is natural that the fool should be a prominent & attractive figure and make an important contribution to the action† in forming the confusion and the humor in an Elizabethan drama. In Twelfth Night, the clown and the fools are the ones who combine humor ;amp; wit to make the comedy work. Clowns, jesters, and Buffoons are usually regarded as fools. Their differences could be of how they dress, act or portrayed in society. A clown for example, â€Å"was understood to be a country bumpkin or ‘cloun'†. In Elizabethan usage, the word ‘clown’ is ambiguous â€Å"meaning both countryman and principal comedian†. Another meaning given to it in the 1600 is â€Å"a fool or jester†. As for a buffoon, it is defined as â€Å"a man whose profession is to make low jests and antics postures; a clown, jester, fool†. The buffoon is a fool because â€Å"although he exploits his own weaknesses instead of being exploited by others†¦. he resembles other comic fools†. This is similar to the definition of a ‘Jester’ who is also known as a â€Å"buffoon, or a merry andrew. One maintained in a prince’s court or nobleman’s household†. As you can see, the buffoon, jester and the clown are all depicted as fools and are related ;amp; tied to each other in some sort of way. They relatively have the same objectives in their roles but in appearance wise (clothes, physical features) they may be different. In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Feste’s role in this Illyrian comedy is significant because â€Å"Illyria is a country permeated with the spirit of the Feast of Fools, where identities are confused, ‘uncivil rule’ applauded†¦ and no harm is done†. In Illyria therefore the fool is not so much a critic of his environment as a ringleader, a merry-companion, a Lord of Misrule. Being equally welcome above and below stairs.. † makes Feste significant as a character. In Twelfth Night, Feste plays the role of a humble clown employed by Olivia’s father playing the licensed fool of their household. We learn this in Olivia’s statement stating that Feste is â€Å"an allowed fool†(I. v. 93) meaning he is licensed, privileged critic to speak the truth of the people around him. We also learn in a statement by Curio to the Duke that Feste is employed by Olivia’s father. Feste the jester†¦ a fool that the Lady Olivia’s father took much pleasure in†(II. iv. 11). Feste is more of the comic truth of the comedy. Although he does not make any profound remarks, he seems to be the wisest person within all the characters in the comedy. Viola remarks this by saying â€Å"This fellow’s wise enough to play the fool†(III. i. 61). Since Feste is a licensed fool, his main role in Twelfth Night is to speak the truth. This is where the humor lies, his truthfulness. In one example he proves Olivia to be a true fool by asking her what she was mourning about. The point

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - Essay Example In the present family system, where separation between the partners is becoming very prevalent, grandparents take the charge to rear their grandchildren. Moreover, due to work schedule or career of the parents or due to single parenting, grandparents come forward to support their grandchildren. The present article discusses in detail about the grandparents raising grandchildren, the problems both face, their struggle over various issues and achievements of the child. "Grandparents raising their grandchildren", "grandparent caregivers", "grandparents-as-parents" and "grandparent-headed families" are interchangeable terminologies which refer to the families where grandparents provide full time parental care to their grandchildren in the absence of the children's biological parents. In this era of recession where the people are losing their jobs at a much faster rate, parenting is becoming a big worry and therefore parents are becoming more inclined and turning to their own parents to rear their children because of several reasons including the financial insecurity and also because they are seeking jobs elsewhere and therefore grandparents raise their grandchildren due to the inability of the children's parents to effectively meet their parenting responsibilities. There are other conditions when grandparents become the full-time parent, may be either because of the death of the parent or a parent is away in the military, or because of the career of the parent(s) demand support to rear their kids, and rarely because of the grandparents living along with their children as a single joint family or under the rarest circumstances when the parent/s may be mentally ill, incarcerated, or merely and regrettably incapable of caring for their children (Proud Grandparents). In many Western societies grandparents have play a dual role- as care providers of their grandchildren and also as grandchild's parents. And therefore provide full-time parenting role for their grandchildren. This includes a number of changes in family structure and social conditions (Kornhaber, 1996). Grandparents raising grandchildren is not a new phenomenon. Historically, they have always stood to take over the care of their grandchildren in times of family crisis and have played major roles in raising their grandchildren (Kornhaber, 1996). The growing social phenomenon in USA showed 44% increase over the preceding decade in the number of children living with their grandparents or other relatives. According to the Census 2000 Supplementary survey between 2.3 and 2.4 million grandparents have primary responsibility for the care and upbringing of 4.5 million children (Hayslip & Patrick, 2003a). This phenomenon has captured the attention of researchers, service providers and policy makers in the USA, resulting in a number of interventions to assist grandparents raising grandchildren (Hayslip & Kaminski, 2005). The U.S. 2000 Census displays that around 2.5 million families with grandparents raising their grandchildren (Kornhaber, 1996). The number is on rise as many families do support other relatives, who act as parents, for e.g. raising their brother or sister's children or, even yet, raising their niece or nephew's children. It is an observation that at times grandparents are at work also and still raising their grandchildren. There is a kind of mental, emotional, or financial boding between grandparents and their grandchildr

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Worplestrop Case Study Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Worplestrop Case Study Report - Essay Example Cost accounting method of accounting is employed in this to achieve the aims. In doing this planning as a measure of review is established, in this case budgets will always be developed to show the stakeholder the progress level reached. The reports produced and provided will be of utmost importance in that they are employed in the evaluation of the performance of the business in place and as well to motivate the workers. Total production costs in any industry are the total cost incurred in both manufacturing and service provision. In the production process, various cost elements are normally involved: - These are material, labor and overhead costs including other relevant expenses (Polimeni, 2000). When all these costs are summed up, we arrive at the production cost of a product. The determination of material and labor cost is easy and quite simple since such costs are direct. While material costs are read directly from the receipts, labor costs are determined from the payroll sheet s of the employees (Davis, 2005). The payroll indicates both the salaries and the expenses of the company employees in all the ranks. The challenging aspect of cost to determine involves those for the overhead and other expenses, the determination and valuation has posed a serious challenge to cost accountants (Polimeni, 2000). They have though employed various cost accounting methods to allocate such costs to the products to help in the product cost determination. Cost of products are fundamental for decision making purposes hence the need to find for the means of costing products. The following methods have therefore been devised to help determine costs of products:- First, cost of a product can be calculated using the marginal costing system (Davis, 2005). In determining costs using this system, variable costs are given a major weight to help in valuing products for decision making. Both the fixed and sunk costs are not integrated in this case since they do not affect the future decisions made given they are already incurred in the past. The reports formed based on this measure are only for use internally and not for external decision making purposes. Secondly, absorption or total costing method can also be used to value and determine the costs of products. Here as opposed to marginal costing, all the costs are summed up including the fixed costs and the sunk overhead costs. In the process of manufacturing, the products all these costs were incurred hence deemed valuable in product cost determination (Davis, 2005). This method is the mostly preferred even when determining selling prices of goods and services since it entails all the costs incurred and would give a fair selling price. The method aids the organization achieve a desired profit margin as they simply add it up on the selling price set. Additionally, activity based costing can be used to determine costs as well. This form of costing is used in the allocation of overheads, which are in turn summed up together with the variable costs to lead us to the cost of the product. Here, various cost drivers are use to allocate the overheads to their respective cost centers hence the method is important in charging costs to their respective activities. With decisions involving activities that should be done and those that need to be done away with in an organization, this method has been instrumental for managers of manufacturing companies (Davis, 2005). This realizes effectiveness and efficiency in an organization by the management through elimination and replacement of non-useful activities in an organization. Lastly, throughout costing can also be employed in cost determinatio

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Designing Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Designing Learning - Essay Example Dimensions of competency: It is important to be able to measure the dimension of competency. This serves as delimitation for the training course and ensures that training is delivered within certain boundary and that learner d not receive what may not be necessary for his preferred field. Format and structure of accredited courses: A knowledge about the format and structure of accredited courses ensures that the trainer masters the course content and show good command and mastery on it when delivering it. Format and structure of competency standards: Knowledge about the competency standards also ensures that the course is delivered within a range needed by the learner and that training does not fall outside the scope of learning. Functions of training package: It is important to know what the function of each training package entails so as to specify what to look out for in each package. Without knowledge on the function of a particular training package, the learner may not have any benefit from the package because he would have not basis for undertaking the training. Methodology relating to analysing and using competency standards for a range of applications and purposes: Knowledge on the methodology to use in delivering training package is very important. This is because the success of the whole program depends on how the instructor goes about his training program. A poor or unsuitable methodology would result in a situation where the learner will find it very difficult to grasp concepts being taught. Language and terminologies: Appropriate use of language and terminologies is very important. The instructor must use language and terminologies that are at the level of the learner to facilitate comprehension. Different delivery modes and methods: Once the instructor has different modes and methods of delivery, it is easier to change from one methodology to another if it is detected that one method

Monday, August 26, 2019

Semiotics(symbolism) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Semiotics(symbolism) - Essay Example David stood up to the Philistine giant, Goliath, as Cuba stood up to the imperialist giant, America. The girl with the wooden doll is a symbol of proletariat simplicity and innocence (supporting the David metaphor), standing up to all that threatens and embracing the seed of the future. African dance and the Beatles were seen as potential distractions from revolutionary focus, just as they are seen by various religious groups today as sinful distractions from Christian focus. The absolute present of the material images that engulfed Edmundo, separating him from the hustle and bustle of New York City, might suggest the way a church acts as sanctuary and a place set apart, an embassy of God and spiritual presence. His reference to patriotic hymns and his repeated use of the term redemption also support this. To see the dream and the nightmare is to encounter Kali (creation and destruction), or the Father and the Son (wrathful vengeance and sacrificial love). Haydee and Celia, political leaders in the struggle against Batista, were not in the exhibit, solidifying this revolution as a patriarchal religion. ... I therefore see a patriarchal religious system unifying the various metaphors used. Edmundo: Photo Changes Photos are not static, if you know how to look at them. They change with time because images are like zucchini, taking on the flavor of what surrounds them. Photographs sustain relativity to socio-historical climate, culture, current events, observer perspective and attitude. As an example, consider a photograph by Ansel Adams, Moon and Half Dome, taken in Yosemite National Park, 1958. Until quite recently, anyone who looks at this photograph would see the majesty and timeless, natural beauty of Yosemite. The moon joins the powerful mountain to the heavens, emphasizing the verticality of Half Dome, The black and white medium, and juxtaposition of shadow and light, speaks of nature’s exquisite simplicity and honesty. That perspective of this photograph has probably been a typical one until this year, when this very mountain claimed the life of a hiker. The media described the horror of witnesses, who had to be airlifted out because they were too traumatized to hike back down themselves. The media has continued to report on more than a dozen deaths in Yosemite, this year. Now, when I look at this photo, I see malevolence, the interplay of life and death, the danger of nature, and the coldness of the moon. My childhood hiking memories are now threatened by a nagging suspicion of parental negligence. What was lovely and quietly evocative has become haunted and threatening, â€Å"Context of viewing is meaning (Desnoes).† Edmundo: Photograph as Metaphor A photograph may look, to some, like a static recording of a single fragment of life, bounded by subject, immediate context, background, and single mark upon linear time, In truth,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Effects of Stakeholders on Communication Assignment

Effects of Stakeholders on Communication - Assignment Example Owners are concerned with maximizing the business profits, investors are interested in earning income from their investment, and employees want to keep their job and earn higher wages. External stakeholders are individuals or groups that are not within the business, and are not working directly with the business, but are affected in a number of ways from the business decisions. They include the government, trade unions, community, creditors, suppliers, and customers. Identifying the stakeholder affects communication in many ways. The best thing is just learning what a particular stakeholder needs to enhance profit or protect and then structure communication according to these factors. First, the information to be communicated and the mode of communication vary for each group. Additionally, the period or frame for delivering the information to a group of stakeholders or a stakeholder varies as there are those that require to be notified immediately, and it will help reduce overloading stakeholders with information. The level of the stakeholder and their interests influences a lot how you should communicate with them. The interested individuals or groups should be managed closely through status meetings; change logs, and notified about the issues, this is most probably the high power individuals and groups. These that are high powered and have less interest should always be satisfied through board meeting updates and steering committees. Those inte rested and are in low power, need to be informed in-person or through email updates, and video.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

British Petroleum and its Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

British Petroleum and its Operations - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that British Petroleum, which is also referred to as BP PLC is a British international Gas and Oil Company, which its headquarters stationed in London, England. Based on the revenue statistics released in 2012, British Petroleum is the fifth largest Oil and Gas Company in the world. It deals with the exploration, production, transportation, refining, marketing, distribution and trading of oil and petroleum products. It also deals with power generation, research, and exploration of renewable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy and biofuels. Petroleum helps provide oil-based fuels for machines, lubricants and petroleum products used in infrastructure development, making plastics, gas, and petrochemicals among other products. BP America forms the largest British Petroleum subsidiary. The company also owns nineteen percent stake in Rosneft, which is a Russian Oil Company that is the most publicly traded in the Oil and Gas sector of the stocks exchange. British Petroleum’s market capitalization is an excess of eighty-five billion pounds and makes the fourth largest company listed on the London Stock Exchange. The company is headed by a board, which is responsible for oversight and guidance of the company in the interests of the shareholders. The company’s executive management has several branches that include, Finance, Refining and Marketing, Exploration, Safety and Operational Risk, Production, Strategy and Regions, Corporate Business Activities, Human Resources, and the Upstream department. Various subsidiaries have leaders who report to the main offices in London. There are various external factors that can affect British Petroleum’s success. These include the global economy, natural environment, wars, politics, currency devaluation, infrastructure, customers and the relationship between the company and the local communities. The most important external factors that can affect the compa ny’s success are the global economy and the natural environment. The global economy has a strong influence on the success of British Petroleum as seen during the recession in 2008 when the company recorded falling profits. The profits had declined from eight billion dollars to three dollars. If the recession continued the company would have started to make losses, which would affect its success negatively.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Engineering Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Engineering Ethics - Essay Example The suicide prevention devices develop the bridges’ and the skyscrapers’ ability to reduce suicide attempts. The engineers are required to perform their daily duties with excellent competence in order to scientifically manage and maintain rapid traffic flow from reducing by onlookers observing a suicide scene. Suicide scenes normally slow down traffic. Excellent competency in this area includes the compulsory duty of going out of one’s way to ensure the approval and acquisition of the suicide safety devices. Excellent competence includes the engineers’ required task of explaining the many benefits of purchasing the suicide prevention devices to the people having the financial ability to pay for the high-value suicide prevention devices.In addition, the engineers must issue statements in an objective and truthful manner; the engineers must state that the suicide prevention devices are needed for the company to prevent the further loss of lives as well as da mage to property. The engineers should convince the financial sponsors of the suicide prevention devices that the high cost of the suicide prevention devices is minimal compared to preventing the continued trespassing on the property. The engineers will convince the financial sponsors that the suicide prevention devices it would less costly to buy the suicide prevention devices compared to damages that will translate to damages on the bridges and other possible high places where a person can jump off to one’s immediate death.’s immediate death. The engineers should act in a professional manner for every employer or client and to avoid conflicts of interest. Professional manner includes informing the employer that the suicide prevention devices are compulsory equipment that will increase the use capacity of the bridges, roads, and other high buildings to reduce the suicide rate in the area. In addition, the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Managing high performance work teams and leadership effectivenessjob Essay

Managing high performance work teams and leadership effectivenessjob satisfaction - Essay Example Leadership is a critical part in the field of management. The consequences of poor leadership in an organization would include increase costs, damage to relationships and loss of trust. It is therefore imperative to have an effective leader in an organization to achieve goals and attain success. Effective leadership separates the successful organization from failed companies . But what is effective leadership Defining leadership is very complex. There exists a lot of meaning for leadership, along with theories and models to describe them. Leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish an objective and the manner of guiding an organization to become consistent and unified (Briner et al 1996). Leadership capitalizes on individual strengths to fulfill the roles of the position. Effective leaders perform in a proactive manner. They also maintain a balance between the internal and external forces at play in the organization. Effective leaders today are very different from leaders from the past. The time has passed and the environment has changed. Today, leaders must have the capacity and capability to lead complex organization in a global setting and proportion. The trend for leaders now is to demonstrate visionary thinking with the ability to execute the vision. He must hold the highest standards of ethics. He should develop other people in different levels, while understanding the business as a whole and building influential relationships with customers and stakeholders. Pioneers of effective leaderships includes Peter Drucker. He searches for answers on what makes an executive most effective. To be effective means that leaders must manage their time, focus on people's contributions to create results, build on strengths, set priorities and make effective decisions (Drucker, 1967). Stephen Covey (1992), a leadership guru, provided insights into facing daily challenges by employing the concept of principle-centered leadership. Jim Collins (2001), a business consultant, defined the five level leadership hierarchy. These are: Level 1-Highly Capable Individual; Level 2-Contributing Team Member; Level 3-Competent Manager; Level 4: Effective Executive; and Level 5-The Leader. Peter Senge (1990) points out the need for an organization not only to adapt to a changing environment, but also to go beyond adapting to a generative learning approach that allows for growth. Building an organization where people are continually expanding their capabilities to shape their future is the key responsibility for leadership. He identified the need to have a learning organization. Margaret Wheatley (1992) looked at how new discoveries in quantum physics, chaos theory, and biology challenged our way of thinking about organizations. She showed that the old models of leadership, such as hero-leader or leader as individual, stands in the way of the organization's innovativeness and effectiveness. She predicted that the ultimate destination of an organization is the realization that teams are capable of being self-managed where the idea of leadership may be different. High performance teams are a product of the learning organization concept and the idea of self-managed teams. This team can work on its own. Senge and Wheatley innovated the new concept of team-based leadership. High performance teams are created with a mission that have developed their own set of norms or rules, which is written as a team charter. The team members have clearly designated

Embracing Technological Change Essay Example for Free

Embracing Technological Change Essay To what extent is embracing technological change the most significant factor in the future success of UK manufacturing businesses? Justify your answer with reference to your own research and the item above. (40 marks) Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. It can be argued that skills and other factors are considerably more important than technological change, for the future success of UK manufacturing businesses. Yet I disagree, I view technological change to be the most significant. In this essay, I am going to talk about several companies in which technology is vital. Firstly, within the Food sectors, technology is absolutely essential. This is due to the need to adapt, not only to changes in demand, but from a business perspective too. As in the food sector, technology allows for food manufacturers to lower costs, by having machinery doing menial tasks such as filling cans or producing such items such as Walkers Crisps. Walkers factory in Leicester is amongst the largest crisp production plants in the world, producing over 11 million bags of crisps per day and using 800 tons of potatoes. This process mostly uses machinery to cook, flavour and package the crisps, as humans would not be able to withstand the amount of work needed to fulfil the demand. Technology has allowed Walkers to move from hand-sliced and fried potatoes in the 1880s, to mass machinery production. This shows that technology has allowed them to produce new products, and with this change has provided investment allowing the business to further grow into a market leader. It is not only within the production of food stuffs that technology has changed businesses, but in selling the goods too, as Tesco and Asda, have also implemented technology into their processes. The large supermarkets use technology to implement processes such as lean production, which encompasses the â€Å"Just In Time† technique. Tescos have been able to use this so that storage isnt used up with unnecessary goods, as when an item is scanned at the checkout, it then logs into the computer, and when that item is low on stock, then an order is sent directly to the warehouse or supplier. This technique means that there is no wastage of stock, and reduces time wastage too as the manager doesnt need to assess the remaining stock throughout the day. Also, as robots are becoming cheaper  and slowly more advanced, it has seen the sales of them go up by 28% in 2013 in the food sector, once again showing how technology plays a large part in UK manufacturing. However, in contrast, technology isnt vital for Crockett Jones of Northampton. This shoe company was founded in 1879. It began with 20 employees hand cutting and tanning leather. As technology developed, the company did begin to use it, yet only on the smallest of tasks, in order to not lose the significance of the hand quality goods which they gained their reputation for. Despite not using a lot of technology, they still have implemented some, which shows again how important technological change is to UK manufacturing. Yet in the automotive sector, technology is viewed to be vital, as it allows from quality and precision to be improved greatly. This is shown in the case of Jaguar Land Rover, where they produce premium cars that provide excellent quality, whilst being assembled quickly. This has been successful due to the implementation of robotics and automation, whilst also reducing the costs of production too. The costs are reduced, because the business is seen to be more efficient due to the greater amounts of precision and lack of human error, which in turn reduces wastage. Another point as to why technology is significant in the automotive sector is that these advancements allow for each customer to have the exact car they want in the exact specification. For example, robotics for painting to be quicker, allowing for change to happen in the shortest possible time, again reducing time wastage. With this reducing costs, it means that these increased levels in profits can lead to future product development, such as giving more investment to RD to become more innovative, thus gaining a competitive advantage. The RD may lead to investments into such technologies as Green Technology, which encompasses a continuously evolving group o methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products, thus allowing products to be more sustainable. By doing this it allows for companies to meet the needs of society, which can continue into the future without damaging or depleting natural resources. Already, green technology is playing a massive part in Uk manufacturing, with the  £60bn a year industry managing to save nearly  180,000 tonnes of CO2 in 2012. Toyota are leading the way for Green Technology in the UK, with their production plant situated in Wales. They produce the Prius, which, has near to zero emissions, which offers incentives from the government, such as lower road tax. Green Technologies have broadened the visionary design of the car of tomorrow, which if the UK wish to be market leaders, with a large customer base then they should further implement this technology available to them. The BMW i3 is a key example of this, as it is emissions free, and acts as a USP, heightening BMW’s success and allowing them to be market leaders. In contrast, companies such as Rolls Royce, pride themselves on quality, bespoke, hand-made vehicles. Despite being the only car manufacturer in the FTSE100, they invest 7.53% of their revenue in RD, yet they do not pride themselves on technology being needed as a USP. As it is said that each car produce by them is individual, as it is hand made, by well-trained craftsmen. Their premium price shows the prestige that they portray, and the amount of skill put into the cars. So this shows that Rolls Royce customers value quality above technology when they buy this car, which has lead to the business becoming so successful. On the other hand, in some sectors of UK manufacturing embracing technological change is not the most significant factor in the future success of UK manufacturing, as skills are required to incorporate the technology into the business. Skills may also be considered to be more important as they allow for quality and premium prices to be associated with some products. For example, I M Kelly, has become the centre of excellence for automotive interior leather trim within the United Kingdom, whilst also diversifying into Rail and Passenger Aircraft industries. The company was established in 1975 and its head office and main production facility is situated in Northamptonshire, a figure point for high quality leather. The company also has a second production facility on the outskirts of Coventry, which thus allows it to be closer to the centre of the UK allowing for easier transport and delivery to such automotive manufactures as Jaguar Land Rover, Bentley, Aston Martin and Lotus. These prestigious, premium brands illustrate the quality that I M Kelly produce, due to the high level of  skills from their employees. These skills are used in tandem with the up-to-date technology, allowing them to produce outstanding quality, and exceed their customer’s expectations. Due to the type of leather work carried out here, means that robots or machines cant sew small intricate stitches into the gear sticks, or along the steering wheel, again showing where skills are beneficial. The UK government have also seen to play an active role in promoting how important skills are, with David Cameron giving â€Å"fast-track’ visas to technology experts from outside of the UK. Whilst other businesses have called for increased investment into the education of scientists and engineers in schools, such as the Jaguar Land Rover apprenticeship scheme. Yet there are many sectors that do not require skills to be too important, meaning that skills are not vital for every co mpany. In conclusion, in the short term, it is arguable that skills are of utmost importance in progressing the future development of UK manufacturing, as it allows for the technology to be created and implemented. Shown by David Cameron being keen to fast track technology experts. Yet that statement also shows that the experts are needed for the technology only, so in the long term technology will be more significant. As the world is continually using up more of the natural resources, and their being a greater need for the reduction of wastage and emissions, it is clear that technology is the only way to achieve this. As it was due to old technologies that this â€Å"mess† occurred in the first place. Therefore by using technology to become innovative, to reduce costs and attract more demand, it will lead to UK manufacturing businesses to be more successful. Which will allow for manufacturing sectors to become world market leaders.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Major Components Of Green Computing Information Technology Essay

The Major Components Of Green Computing Information Technology Essay As IT has become a major component in social infrastructure, it plays a vital role in humans life. Computing is a fast growing area which consumes energy a lot. A computer which performs well consumes lots of energy. It takes a lot of energy to create, package and retrieve data. With the development of the technologies, people tend to depend on these technologies more and more. It will lead us to many problems as energy is a non renewable resource. It will soon cost more to power a computer in future, than buying a new one today. Therefore we have to find methods, where we can minimize the wastage of energy while utilizing existing resources efficiently. Since computer plays a major role in our lives, demand for the energy, cost and wastage also increase dramatically. According to the Climate Saving Computing Initiative, the half of the power input to our PC is wasted without even reaching to the processor, memory, disk or any other component. Further, they have identified that added heat of the computer systems, inactive sleep and hibernate state of the computer and mal practices of using electronic equipments has a great impact in this energy wastage. It is estimated that out of $250 billion per year spent on powering computers worldwide only about 15% of that power is spent computing. The rest is wasted idling. Therefore, Green Computing is introduced in order to maximize the energy efficiency and increase the recyclability of products and the factory waste. Green Computing is focusing on creating technologies that help to preserve nature and minimize the bad effects of the technological development. Overview Green Computing is an echo friendly approach to the modern computing environment. It discusses about the ways of using computers in environmental friendly way. Â  The main focus of Green computing is reducing the environmental impact of industrial processes and innovative technologies caused by the Earths growing population and the ways of utilizing computer resources efficiently. It talks about serving social needs in a way which reduce the damage happen to the nature. Mainly this is talking about creating recyclable products, reducing pollution, providing alternatives to certain technological areas and etc. It is a concept which is already used in the IT environment. Researchers have found that most of the computers are not used for most of the time, but they are left running and many personal computers are left on unnecessarily. It leads to the high wastage of energy. These kinds of issues are also considered in Green Computing. It also talks about proper disposal of electronic w aste. Eco Friendly Computing Green Computing is also known as Green IT. Environmental sustainability, Energy efficiency, and the cost of disposal and recycling also includes in Green IT. History The Energy Star program commenced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1992 was the first voluntary labelling program designed to promote and recognize energy efficiency. It is basically designed to promote and recognize energy efficiency in monitors, climate control equipments and other technologies. The term Green Computing immerged shortly after this Energy Star Program. The first function launched as a result of the Green Computing researches was the sleep mode function of computer monitor. Approaches to Green Computing In order to gain the environmental sustainability and efficient use of energy through computing there are four main paths to be taken. Green Use Using the computers and other related products in an efficient manner where the energy consumption is minimized. Green Disposal Reusing old computers, properly disposing and recycling other unwanted products. Green Design Designing energy efficient and environmentally friendly computers and accessories. Green Manufacturing Manufacturing computers and other related equipments in a way that they have a minimal effect to the environment. These four steps can be further spanned in to number of activities and areas. Efficient use of energy Power saving Server virtualization Environmental sustainable designing Responsible disposal and recycle Risk mitigation Use of renewable energy sources Eco- labelling Use of Green methodologies and assessment tools. As an initial step to the Green Computing the work habits of the individual computer users have to be changed. Most of the energy wastages regarding the personal computer usage happen because of the false beliefs regarding the computer usage. For an instance, people belief that when turning off a computer and turning on it back uses more energy than it leaving on. But the actual energy consumption of the computer when it boots up, is far less than the energy it uses when left on for more than three minutes. Further the use of notebook computers rather than using personal computers will also save energy. Moreover, people think that screen savers do save energy. But the fact is that they are designed to increase the lifetime of monochrome monitors. The screen savers will save energy if they actually turn off the screen or turn off the backlight of the laptops. By letting the users get to know about these facts will change their habits and it will lead to power utilization. When it comes to organizational level, many organizations have undertaken various kinds of activities as an approach to this Green IT. Telecommuting Virtualization VoIP Organizations have allowed their workers to work while being at home. This will help to reduce fuel emission at transportation. They are given all the necessary facilities to work. This is known as telecommuting. Virtualization refers to the consolidation of servers. It allows to two or more logical computer systems to run in one physical hardware. This leads minimum power consumption and maximum cooling. VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology of voice transmission over internet or other packet switched networks. It reduces the telephone wiring infrastructure and is low cost. It is method of reducing metallic waste. Green business practices Green IT isnt just about energy efficiencies but also about operational efficiencies that can improve the organization. In most of the organizations, Green IT is practiced because of the explicit business drivers such as cost and the availability of the energy, cost of the equipments, cost of the data centres, business process optimization and performance and efficiency. When focusing on business optimization, few areas can be targeted which energy demand can be reduced and growth can be increased with the help of IT. Server and storage utilization and consolidation Server, storage, and application virtualization Technology and information life cycle strategies Energy measurement and management Green Information Strategy Under Green Information Strategy, the ways of managing and retaining information has been defined. The ways of collecting, classifying and archiving information are introduced in Green Information Strategy. It involves several key steps: Understanding the requirements for information retention and availability. Determining infrastructure requirements. Conducting continual strategic planning to meet economic and business conditions and demand. Measuring progress and adjusting the strategies. Information Lifecycle Management is a set of concepts which helps organizations to build processes and implement best practices for creating, storing, archiving, and dispose data. A variety of technologies and methodologies can be used in order to optimize the storage utilization. Then the amount of storage required and the energy used to power will be reduced. Maximizing data centre and server room efficiency Designing a data centre for maximum efficiency is complex and requires input from many disciplines not normally associated with IT. But most of the organizations dont have data centres. They have their IT equipments in a sever room. Server room is a data centre operated in a small scale. Here are few facts that have to be considered when designing a server room. Raised floor in computer rooms was the general accepted norm since vacuum tube era. Variable speed motors can tailor cooling power usage to need, producing substantial savings, and may prove less expensive in the long run though they are more expensive to purchase. The trend in servers is to pack more CPUs in to a single track. But when power densities get above 200 watts per square foot, because of the high heat generated, too much air is needed to remove the heat. Therefore racks (19-inch EIA-310-D standard) with built-in chillers or even water-cooled servers, become preferable. Use a large server. Replace physical servers with virtual servers. Blade servers Blade servers put each processor, memory and hard drive on one single card called blade. These blades are fixed in to a backplane. A single power supply, a shared cooling system, a shared network interface is used among the blades, which connected to a backplane. Replacing multiple servers with blade servers generally saves power and space. Green Storage Storage systems are among the systems which consume power and storage a lot. Drivers have to be full powered and running to be able to store data. Data Deduplication Data Deduplication is the term used for removing the duplicates. It examines the hard drive or the storage system and find out the duplicates and remove them. It effectively reduces the storage allocated for certain data file and allocates it to other additional data. It increases the capacity of your system. Thin Provisioning Thin provisioning is allocating right amount of storage is as needed. It helps to eliminate unused capacity. Storage can be used efficiently by allocating the required storage when it is needed and using storage management software to adjust it. As the storage is dynamically allocated the storage can be grown or shrink according to the application stored. Further storage management software can view applications simultaneously and allocate unused capacity as needed. Storage Virtualization Storage virtualization gets all the available capacity together from multiple storage systems and enables it to share, without requiring a change in storage hardware. By enabling sharing it avoids the trapped capacity, which is available but cannot be used by an application. Using Virtualization Multiple applications and multiple Operating systems can be run simultaneously with the use of virtual memory technology. Virtualization increases the utilization of computer systems by condensing applications into few servers. Therefore the number of required servers will be reduced. It reduced the power consumption of the data centres and the cooling requirements. Virtualization is one of the earliest paths to green, because when more than one application is run on a server (application consolidation) the number of servers required to support these applications is reduced. Fewer servers mean less power consumption and low energy requirement for cooling. Future Directions on Green Computing

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sports Review Performance Strengths Weaknesses Areas For Improvement Health Essay

Sports Review Performance Strengths Weaknesses Areas For Improvement Health Essay Think carefully about the practices, skills and tactics that you have been working on over the past 4-6 weeks, as a player and as an official. Strengths Areas for development Good footwork because she was quick to pass and move quickly. This will allow her to be free for the next pass. Dodging was good as she was quick with her feet which helped her be free so that she can accept a ball passed to her. Catching was good as she didnt allow it to go to the other players. This will allow her and her team to score more goals and stop her opponents from receiving the ball. Shes needs to pass on target because if she doesnt then the ball will be lost to her opponents. Defence needs improvement. Needs to keep eyes on the ball and jump for ball when needed. Needs to intercept more when defending. This will allow her and her team to stop the ball from being shot by the other team. Needs to improve on the power of her passes to her team because if the power of her passes is weak or too strong then the team player wouldnt be able to catch the ball. This will give the opposing team a chance. Needs to signal for the ball quickly when shes free. This means that her opponent wont be able to know when shell be able to get the ball. Identify three ways in which their performance or knowledge has improved since starting the course. 1 Knowing the rules and technique when it comes to footwork 2 Knowing the technique used when passing and shooting a ball. 3 Being able to dodge, attack and defend effectively. Give this performer three action points that will help them improve their performance or knowledge in the future. Reference should be made to an appropriate Governing Body course if possible. 1 To be able to improve her performance, she needs to bend her knees and elbows also she needs to add more power when shooting the ball into the net. This will allow her to shoot more accurately when shes scoring. 2 To be able to improve her performance, she needs to intercept more and stay on her toes which will help her to move more easily and quickly. It will also allow her to stop her opponents receiving the ball. 3 To be able to improve her performance, she needs to practice jumping and catching the ball whilst its being passed over her head to the opposing team. She also needs to practice her overhead passes. Any further comments on the course or the targets that you have set the performer. OWN PERFORMANCE REVIEW (P9, M5, D2) Review a sports performance. In the table below write down what you think your strengths and weaknesses are. Think carefully about the practices, skills and tactics that you have been working on over the past 4-6 weeks, as a player and as an official. Strengths Areas for development Defending the goal from the opposing team. This means that my team will have a better chance of winning the game. Dodging is good as I free myself quickly from the player marking me. This means that I able to receive the ball when I needed. My interception is good as I am quick and always have my eyes on the ball. This means that my opponents have a less chance of receiving the ball and/or winning the game. My defending is good as I am quick and always moving. This is an advantage to my team as I stop the opponents from scoring in our goal. Take time when shooting the ball. This means that my team and I will be able to gain more from it. Need to keep in mind what foot is my landing foot so I can shoot easily as well as pivot. Be aware of the people around me when I receive the ball. This will allow me to pass to the appropriate player. Remember to spread legs when shooting. This allows my shooting to be more accurate. Identify three ways in which your performance or knowledge has improved since starting the course. 1 My defending skills have improved as I am able to stay on my toes allowing me to move quickly and easily. 2 My shooting technique has improved and has allowed me to shoot more accurately. 3 My footwork has improved because I move very quickly allowing me to intercept, attack and defend the ball/goal from the opponents. Give yourself three action points that will help you improve your performance or knowledge in the future. Reference should be made to an appropriate Governing Body course if possible. 1 To be able improve my performance or knowledge in the future. I need to make sure that when I receive the ball I am aware of all my team player and which team player is the best to pass the ball to. 2 To be able to improve my performance or knowledge in the future. I need to make sure I always remember the shooting technique whenever Im shooting the ball into the goal. This is so that I have a more accurate chance of scoring a goal. 3 To be able to improve my performance or knowledge in the future. I need to make sure that I always stay with the player I am marking so that I can defend, attack or intercept the ball when I need to. Any further comments on the course or the targets that you have set yourself. RULES AND REGULATIONS WORKSHEET (P3, P4) ACTIVITY _______ ____________________ Who is the Governing Body for this Sport what is there web site address? The England Netball is the Governing Body for this sport. List below 5 National Governing Body rules for this sport. a) A netball player must be able to pass or shoot the netball in 3 seconds after the ball is caught. b) When a netball player jumps to catch a ball she must land on one foot and that landing foot must not be moved at any time unless the player passes the ball shes holding. c) A netball player must not contact an opponent at any time in the game either by accident or deliberately in such a way that the game and/or the opponent is interrupted. d) Goal Attack or Goal Shooter are the only players in netball that are allowed to shoot the ball. In order for these players to shoot they must be in the circle. e) A netball player is offside when the player moves out of their designated area with or without a netball. What are the timing regulations associated with this sport? All netball shooter must be able to shown within 3 seconds. Netball players must also pass the netball with 3 seconds. In the space below draw a diagram of the playing area, with important specifications Goal GoalDraw two hand signals in the space below that officials may use in this sport. Obstruction The players hands are apart and are positioned in front of their body. Direction of Pass The Umpires arm will be pointed in the direction the netball is to be played. Briefly explain how a competitive goal is scored in this sport. C has the play passes it to WA who passes it to the GA, then the netball is passed to the GS. The GS then shoots the ball into the net. Explain below 4 health safety issues concerned with the game this could be linked to injury/substitution, protective equipment, playing surface, ground design/surveillance. a) The end of the netball goalposts must be padded so that the netball players can run around the court without injuring themselves or colliding with other players b) Netball players must be all perform a small fitness exam so that coaches, officials and other team members are sure that the players are fit enough to play the games. c) Stretcher, first aid kits as well as a qualified first aid personnel must be available at the game to ensure that if an injury occurs it can be treated immediately. d) Remove all courtside hazards also examine the playing field to make sure all hazards on the court is removed and the court must be maintained as a hazard free playing surface. Briefly explain the sanctions applied to players for inappropriate behaviour (e.g. the use of red yellow cards in football) A formal warning is first given to a player who demonstrates inappropriate behaviour. If the player shows other signs of inappropriate behaviour the Umpire will take any actions they feel is appropriate for the player. This could be the players suspension from the game. If the player still demonstrates inappropriate behaviour the Umpire may order the player from the netball court and the player wont be able to take part in rest of the game. An Umpire can only suspend a player if the said player has been given a warning. 9. How effective do you think the rules and regulations are within this sport? I think the rules and regulations for Netball are very effective as it makes Netball a competitively fun sport to play and also it makes the s[port one of the safest sports. Also, I think the rule and regulations are effective as it makes the game fair and strict as well as challenging. Would you implement any further rules or regulations to improve the game, or make it more exciting? No. OBSERVATION OF AN OFFICIAL (P5, P6) Observe an official in a game situation. This can de done during a lesson, watching a video or a live match outside of school. Sport: Fixture: Name of Official: Date: List three roles of the official: 1 2 3 Attempt to judge their performance in making the correct decisions against identified rules and regulations (please tick): RULE/REGULATION CORRECT INCORRECT Did the official control the game? Analyse the performance of the official. What mark would you give him/her /10? (1 = inept, 6 = competent, 10 = outstanding) Comparison of officials Now watch an official in action in another sport. Compare the two officials from the two sports. Are there any differences in their roles? How they are treated by players/coaches? How they deal with difficult situations? How fit they have to be? Answer in the box below. Differences between the officials in two sports Sport 1: Netball Sport 2: Basketball In Netball there are two umpires, two scorers and two timekeepers are the officials. The umpires are the main officials in netball. Whilst, in Basketball there are either 2 or 3 officials. The main official is the referee and the others are the official scorer and official timekeeper. In Netball, the officials use hand signals and whistles to keep the game safe, make sure the players follow the rules and also to make sure that it is played safely. However, in Basketball is very rare for officials to use hand signals. Most whistles are used throughout the game. TACTICS WORKSHEET (M1, D1) ACTIVITY _______ ____________________ Describe and illustrate a defensive tactic that you would use in your sport e.g. zone defence in Basketball. Describe and illustrate an attacking tactic that you would use in your sport e.g. fast break in Basketball. Justify the use of these two tactics, giving specific examples. (D1) Identify areas for further improvement. OBSERVATION CHECKLIST (P7) ACTIVITY _______ ____________________ Use this space to produce an observation checklist. Skill Successful Unsuccessful Percentage Passing C:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].png 100% Successful 0% Unsuccessful Shooting 0% Successful 0% Unsuccessful Catching C:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].png 80% Successful 20% Unsuccessful Interception 0% Successful 0% Unsuccessful Skill Successful Unsuccessful Percentage Footwork C:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].png 75% Successful 25% Unsuccessful Shooting C:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].png 50% Successful 50% Unsuccessful Defending C:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].png C:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].png 60% Successful 40% Unsuccessful Interception C:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].pngC:Documents and Settingsghanj007.315Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5FN4J2YRXMC900432601[1].png 75% Successful 25% Unsuccessful OBSERVATION CHECKLIST (M3, P8, P9) ACTIVITY _______ ____________________ Use this space to produce your own observation checklist. Use the checklist to review the sports performance of an individual or a team and identify areas of strengths or improvement

Monday, August 19, 2019

Death is not to be Feared :: essays research papers

Could I possibly die tomorrow? In a week? Or do I still have many years ahead of me? These are some questions many people often ask themselves. The fear of death affects many individuals, but it certainly didn?t affect a philosopher by the name of Socrates. He argued that death is not to be feared and personally I both agree and disagree with him. Death, it surrounds us, it could be waiting for us at any corner, whether it is a car swerving out of control, a heart attack, or a nasty slip on ice, we tend to try not thinking about it too much, but it?s something unavoidable, something we all eventually come to. I believe that pretty much everyone dreads it in one way or another. I also believe that it is the unknown that many people really fear, the uncertainty of what comes next if anything. For most people there?s always the question of what comes after they die. Some believe that there?s a place reserved for them up in the sky and their life will continue, others think it leads to a state of peace and reconciliation. No one really knows, and that is what scares people that most. The uncertainty of it is truly nerve racking. They can theorize and think about it as much as they want but it is still an unknown event. Another reason that leads to a fear of death is the actual event of dying. It is because dying can involve a great deal of suffering and pain. Drowning, being burnt alive, and being strangled are the ways of dying that engage in an imaginable agonizing physical pain. I?m sure that anyone who has thought about death has also thought about how their own lives may come to an end. I personally wonder about how I will move on from this world, asking myself questions such as: ?will it hurt? or ?will it happen in my sleep No one wants to suffer and the thought of any kind of pain before dying is very frightening. Even though death is something extremely mysterious, maybe it?s not the death people fear, but dying unprepared. They become anxious because of the fact that there are so many things they wish to accomplish in their lives, so many things they haven?t done. I think this is where the fear of death can be even further coded into their minds. Death is not to be Feared :: essays research papers Could I possibly die tomorrow? In a week? Or do I still have many years ahead of me? These are some questions many people often ask themselves. The fear of death affects many individuals, but it certainly didn?t affect a philosopher by the name of Socrates. He argued that death is not to be feared and personally I both agree and disagree with him. Death, it surrounds us, it could be waiting for us at any corner, whether it is a car swerving out of control, a heart attack, or a nasty slip on ice, we tend to try not thinking about it too much, but it?s something unavoidable, something we all eventually come to. I believe that pretty much everyone dreads it in one way or another. I also believe that it is the unknown that many people really fear, the uncertainty of what comes next if anything. For most people there?s always the question of what comes after they die. Some believe that there?s a place reserved for them up in the sky and their life will continue, others think it leads to a state of peace and reconciliation. No one really knows, and that is what scares people that most. The uncertainty of it is truly nerve racking. They can theorize and think about it as much as they want but it is still an unknown event. Another reason that leads to a fear of death is the actual event of dying. It is because dying can involve a great deal of suffering and pain. Drowning, being burnt alive, and being strangled are the ways of dying that engage in an imaginable agonizing physical pain. I?m sure that anyone who has thought about death has also thought about how their own lives may come to an end. I personally wonder about how I will move on from this world, asking myself questions such as: ?will it hurt? or ?will it happen in my sleep No one wants to suffer and the thought of any kind of pain before dying is very frightening. Even though death is something extremely mysterious, maybe it?s not the death people fear, but dying unprepared. They become anxious because of the fact that there are so many things they wish to accomplish in their lives, so many things they haven?t done. I think this is where the fear of death can be even further coded into their minds.